Hawking Memorial Obelisk

Joined 2001
Paid Member
We are big fans of Stephen Hawking so we thot it appropriate to being out a memorial speaker as a tribute. We dug into some old work and choose a variation of a design we had done with the aspect ratio of the 2001 obelisk. 9:4:1 (ie 32:22:12). The allusion to a headstone is intentional.

A Mass-Loaded Transmission Line takes best advantage of the shape.


It is FR of course and for a driver we chose the most British unit we could find… the Jordan Eikona. True it is assembled in Denmark but designed in and critical parts made, in England.

Free for non-commercial use, we plan on building a pair.


It has had extentive rounds of QC but i am gonna gues sit is not perfect. Questions and QC can be directed at me.

Joined 2001
Paid Member
It is onl7 appropriate for the Eikona. It might be adaptable for other drivers but we have not considered any yet.

The 2001 Obelisk did not reflect light, we are going to get as flat black as we can. Chris says there are some plastic laminates for that, and also that the $250 spent (+ labour) will be way easier than trying to get a paint finish on plywood.

Specifically, the plastic laminate in question is Fenix by Arpa, with the latest in nano-technology -blah, blah - ones hears that almost twice a year in the commercial trade. Not an absolutely dead flat finish - that’s virtually impossible- but it is the closest to that that I’ve seen in 25 years in this business. The cost of achieving anything close with paint would make the drivers look like a Parts Express clear-out.

I’m looking forward to these
We are big fans of Stephen Hawking so we thot it appropriate to being out a memorial speaker as a tribute. We dug into some old work and choose a variation of a design we had done with the aspect ratio of the 2001 obelisk. 9:4:1 (ie 32:22:12). The allusion to a headstone is intentional.


This is beautiful idea. Could you also make version for other popular drivers? For example Mark Audio Alpair 7. I have a pair of ver 1 Alpair 7 waiting for inspiration.