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The Well Tempered Master Clock - Group buy

At post #608 I wrote:
"Please, as soon you have sent the order I ask you to update the interest list with the ordered items, so other members can understand what items are reaching the MOQ.".

Anyway I will publish the MOQ status every 2/3 days so you can understand the evolution of the situation.
Hi Andrea,

Just to prepare for your R2R DAC, what could we buy here that will be used for the R2R DAC?


PS, amazing work you've done!!!

New discrete DAC Lite will work with 5.6448 and 6.144 MHz up to 22.5792 and 24.576 MHz (5/6 suggested because they have the best phase noise performance).
The top version of the new discrete DAC will only work with 5.6448 and 6.144 MHz.

And since they use a custom protocol both will only work with the new FIFO (Lite and Top versions).
Smarter people than I please confirm I have right parts

I need one 5MHz SC Driscoll clock to attach to IanCanada FIFOPi. I will supply power. I believe I need:
1 x 5.6448 MHz SC-cut

On the last part, I have never figured out if I need the SX or DX. I am guessing with only one clock installed the SX works, but clarification would be great. Thanks in advance.
TWTMC-STS Sine to square converter and Ian's FIFO

I attach a picture that explains how to connect the squarer to Ian's FIFO stuff.

If you are planning to install both clocks then:
- Dual XO board needs 2 x TWTMC-STS-SX
- MC FIFO board needs 1 x TWTMC-STS-SX + 1 x TWTMC-STS-DX
- FifoPi board needs 1 x TWTMC-STS-SX + 1 x TWTMC-STS-DX

If you are planning to install a single clock I believe you can use one or the other indifferently, but please ask Ian to confirm.


  • Ians_FIFO.jpg
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Hi Andrea,

...wow! Congratulations for your great work.

Is it possible also to order the user parts for the semi-finished boards (have seen their pricing on the comparison sheet, but couldn`t find them on the order form)?

Is there a transformer kit for the TWRPS-pp regulator board?
As I understand, it should be possible to power two oscillators and their frequency doublers from this board, but I saw on your order form, that there are specific (mini circuits) transformer kits even for dedicated XO-frequencies (5-12 and 22-24MHz) and a frequency doubler transformer kit.
For the semi-finished boards you have to order the parts by yourself, I have provided the BOMs for each device to be loaded on Mouser website to place the order with a few click.

I only supply the Mini-Circuits RF transformer kits for semi-finished oscillators and frequency doublers.

I don't supply main AC transformers to be used with the regulators because their weight would increase the shipping cost a bit.
They are included in the regulators BOM.
Ok, I will try to publish a document containing all the infos as soon as possible, but keep in mind that I cannot cover all DACs and other applications.

In other words, I can explain as simpler as possible how these devices work and how to combine them to get a certain frequency, but I cannot choose the frequencies for you.
I believe you can find all the infos about the frequencies you need in the DAC datasheet (old multibit and modern delta-sigma) and in the info document of thirdy part applications like Ian's FIFO and so on.

Andrea, just to be clear: I did not ask for a manual about my DAC, or the DAC of everyone else. That would be silly. Of course users need to figure out the specific frequency requirements of their DAC on their own before choosing the clock frequency.

What I (and others) need is a manual of your modules and parts. What are they? What function do they serve? How do I combine these parts? Which ones do I need, which ones are optional, which ones are only needed in special cases? How do I implement them in a DAC system?

Imagine a newbie who wants a good clock for his/her DAC. On first contact with your work, he/she will see a lot of modules, names and abbreviations which have no meaning to him/her, and it's unclear what these things are, what they do, and how they work together. It's a bit like if I would try to sell a mass spectrometer to you: Open or closed ion source? Do you want a spare filament? Nier of Baur-Signer? Adjustable slit? Do you want a magnet/sector-field, quadruple or TOF filter? A CDEM or a Faraday, or both? Static or dynamic operation?
I guess these things are totally meaningless to you. If you wanted to buy a mass spectrometer, you would need some advice about what these things are, how they work, how they go together, and how you can decide which combination you need for your application. That's (almost) how it is for me with your clocks.
Thanks for the clarification Andrea.

I had to make adjustements due to my budget and just ordered:

2 x TWTMC-DRIXO New Driscoll semi-finished
1 x SC 5.6448 MHz
1 x SC 6.1440 MHz
2 x TWTMC-DRIXO semi-finished
4 x TWTMC-DBM-F semi-finished
2 x transformer kit for Driscoll 5 to 12
4 x transfomer kit for freq doublers

2 x SC 11.2896 MHz
2 x SC 12.2880 MHz
2 x TWTMC-DRIXO semi-finished
4 x TWTMC-DBM semi-finished
1 x TWRPS-pp bare board
For the semi-finished boards you have to order the parts by yourself, I have provided the BOMs for each device to be loaded on Mouser website to place the order with a few click.

I only supply the Mini-Circuits RF transformer kits for semi-finished oscillators and frequency doublers.

I don't supply main AC transformers to be used with the regulators because their weight would increase the shipping cost a bit.
They are included in the regulators BOM.

So finished boards will have the crystal NOT included but tested, but IMHO the used crystal delivered & connected IMHO as a requirement for the final PN plot?

How about the 7th order SC cuts crystals?

May mark on the BOM the provided parts on semi finished, so all know what they get..

Andrea, just to be clear: I did not ask for a manual about my DAC, or the DAC of everyone else. That would be silly. Of course users need to figure out the specific frequency requirements of their DAC on their own before choosing the clock frequency.

What I (and others) need is a manual of your modules and parts. What are they? What function do they serve? How do I combine these parts? Which ones do I need, which ones are optional, which ones are only needed in special cases? How do I implement them in a DAC system?

Imagine a newbie who wants a good clock for his/her DAC. On first contact with your work, he/she will see a lot of modules, names and abbreviations which have no meaning to him/her, and it's unclear what these things are, what they do, and how they work together. It's a bit like if I would try to sell a mass spectrometer to you: Open or closed ion source? Do you want a spare filament? Nier of Baur-Signer? Adjustable slit? Do you want a magnet/sector-field, quadruple or TOF filter? A CDEM or a Faraday, or both? Static or dynamic operation?
I guess these things are totally meaningless to you. If you wanted to buy a mass spectrometer, you would need some advice about what these things are, how they work, how they go together, and how you can decide which combination you need for your application. That's (almost) how it is for me with your clocks.

I am working on a manual to explain how each device works and what it is for, but in the end you will still have to make your choice.

Just an example to explainwhat I mean.

Assume you need a 22.5792 MHz master clock for your DAC.
You have the following options:
- TWTMC-DRIXO Driscoll oscillator with SC-Cut crystal at 22.5792 MHz
- TWTMC-DRIXO Driscoll oscillator with SC-Cut crystal at 11.2896 MHz followed by one TWTMC-DBM frequency doubler 11.2896 to 22.5792 MHz
- TWTMC-DRIXO Driscoll oscillator with SC-Cut crystal at 5.6448 MHz followed by two TWTMC-DBM frequency doublers, the first is 5.6448 to 11.2896 MHz and the second is 11.2896 to 22.5792 MHz
- TWTMC-EXO Differential oscillator with SC-Cut crystal at 22.5792 MHz
- TWTMC-EXO Differential oscillator with SC-Cut crystal at 11.2896 MHz followed by one TWTMC-DBM frequency doubler 11.2896 to 22.5792 MHz
- TWTMC-EXO Differential oscillator with SC-Cut crystal at 5.6448 MHz followed by two TWTMC-DBM frequency doublers, the first is 5.6448 to 11.2896 MHz and the second is 11.2896 to 22.5792 MHz
- TWTMC-PXO Pierce oscillator with AT-Cut crystal at 22.5792 MHz
- TWTMC-PXO Pierce oscillator with AT-Cut crystal at 11.2896 MHz followed by one TWTMC-DBM frequency doubler 11.2896 to 22.5792 MHz
- TWTMC-PXO Pierce oscillator with AT-Cut crystal at 5.6448 MHz followed by two TWTMC-DBM frequency doublers, the first is 5.6448 to 11.2896 MHz and the second is 11.2896 to 22.5792 MHz
- TWTMC-PXO-AIO Pierce combo oscillator with AT-Cut crystal at 5.6448 MHz, it has two frequency doublers on board so you can get 11.2896 or 22.5792 MHz at the output
- TWTMC-PPG Pierce pico gate oscillator with entry level AT-Cut crystal at 22.5792 MHz

As you can see you have 11 options to choose from. Obviously they don't all perform the same.
I have published the phase noise plots for almost all combinations. When you can't find the specific combination you are looking you can look at a similar.
For example you cannot find the phase noise plot of the Driscoll oscillator at 6.144 MHz followed by a pair of frequency doublers to reach 24.5476 MHz, then you can look at the phase noise plot of the Driscoll at 5.6448 MHz followed by a pair of frequency doublers.
The base Driscoll oscillators at 5.6448 and 6.144 MHz perform similar (the 6.144 MHz is a little worse), so you can expect similar performance when they are followed by a pair of frequency doublers because the doubler adds the same phase noise to both base oscillators.

Then you have to look at the price of each device to calculate the total amount to get the above combination that finally provide the same master clock at 22.5792 MHz.
Driscoll and Differential oscillators are more expensive than Pierce oscillators, SC-Cut crystals are more expensive than AT-Cut crystals, oscillators followed by a pair of doublers are more expensive than single oscillators at the requested frequencies.

Then usually you need a sine to square converter for each oscillator, unless you are planning to use our new FIFO Lite that has the squarers on board.
Finally you need the power supply. You can use the TWRPS-UGL linear regulators or the TWRPS-pp push-pull regulators or the TWRPS-LBS LiFePo4 batteries supply system, or whatever low noise regulator you want that provides 12 to 18 VDC.

These are your choices.

I will publish a guide as soon as possible.
I attach a picture that explains how to connect the squarer to Ian's FIFO stuff.

If you are planning to install both clocks then:
- Dual XO board needs 2 x TWTMC-STS-SX
- MC FIFO board needs 1 x TWTMC-STS-SX + 1 x TWTMC-STS-DX
- FifoPi board needs 1 x TWTMC-STS-SX + 1 x TWTMC-STS-DX

If you are planning to install a single clock I believe you can use one or the other indifferently, but please ask Ian to confirm.
Many thanks. I finally see it!! I looked at this pic when you first posted it, but my brain refused to click into gear! I am quite certain you can plug into either socket on FifoPi. I'll use the DX just to emulate how I use it today.

Again, thankyou for the amazing body of work and publishing the price comparison sheets I requested. Very helpful.
I need one 5MHz SC Driscoll clock to attach to IanCanada FIFOPi. I will supply power. I believe I need:
1 x 5.6448 MHz SC-cut

On the last part, I have never figured out if I need the SX or DX. I am guessing with only one clock installed the SX works, but clarification would be great. Thanks in advance.
What do you plan to drive with the FIFO at this clock frequency?
2 x TWTMC-DRIXO New Driscoll semi-finished
1 x SC 5.6448 MHz
1 x SC 6.1440 MHz
2 x TWTMC-DRIXO semi-finished
4 x TWTMC-DBM-F semi-finished
2 x transformer kit for Driscoll 5 to 12
4 x transfomer kit for freq doublers

2 x SC 11.2896 MHz
2 x SC 12.2880 MHz
2 x TWTMC-DRIXO semi-finished
4 x TWTMC-DBM semi-finished
1 x TWRPS-pp bare board

4 x SC 5.6448 MHz
1 x SC 6.144 MHz
1 x SC 11.2896 MHz
1 x SC 12.2880 MHz
1 x TWTMC-DRIXO-F 5.6448 MHz
1 x TWTMC-DBM-F 5.6448 MHz to 11.2896 MHz
1 x TWTMC-DBM-F 11.2896 MHz to 22.5792 MHz
2 x TWTMC-DRIXO New Driscoll semi-finished
1 x SC 5.6448 MHz
1 x SC 6.1440 MHz
2 x TWTMC-DRIXO semi-finished
4 x TWTMC-DBM-F semi-finished
2 x transformer kit for Driscoll 5 to 12
4 x transfomer kit for freq doublers

2 x SC 11.2896 MHz
2 x SC 12.2880 MHz
2 x TWTMC-DRIXO semi-finished
4 x TWTMC-DBM semi-finished
1 x TWRPS-pp bare board

4 x SC 5.6448 MHz
1 x SC 6.144 MHz
1 x SC 11.2896 MHz
1 x SC 12.2880 MHz
1 x TWTMC-DRIXO-F 5.6448 MHz
1 x TWTMC-DBM-F 5.6448 MHz to 11.2896 MHz
1 x TWTMC-DBM-F 11.2896 MHz to 22.5792 MHz

1 x 5.6448 MHz SC-cut
So finished boards will have the crystal NOT included but tested, but IMHO the used crystal delivered & connected IMHO as a requirement for the final PN plot?

How about the 7th order SC cuts crystals?

May mark on the BOM the provided parts on semi finished, so all know what they get..


I install the crystal to be delivered (if the order includes the crystal, some members got the crystal from the previous GB, so I use one of my crystals for the test) to check the oscillator starting at the right frequency.
Then I disinstall the crystal to ship it separately avoiding damages during the shipment.
Finally everyone place the crystal on the oscillator board as he sees fit. I have suggested a way but is not mandatory.

I don't measure the phase noise of each oscillator, the phase noise measurement is an optional service, please see the order form.

No more developments for this GB, there are already a lot devices, now we are working on the FIFO and the DAC Lite.
Moreover, if the crystals MOQ are not met the GB will be aborted.

You don't need to know the parts provided with the semi-finished boards, they are already assembled so there is no reason to know their values.
As I said several times my co-developer does not agree to publish the schematics, so I cannot publish the value you are requesting.
The BOM for 24 and 25 MHz All in One oscillator is very similar to the one of the 24.576 MHz, maybe only a little update of a few capacitors, so the cost is exactly the same.

I have to calculate the final values, I will do that if the MOQ of the crystals will be met.

If you need to distribute the clock usually you have to use power splitter if you are planning to share the sine wave output of the oscillator.
Otherwise, if you are planning to distribute the digital clock after the squarer (anyway you need a sine to square converter since the output of the TWTMC-PXO-AIO, like any other oscillators we are offering, is sine wave) you have to use a fan-out buffer.