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The YARRA Preamplifier/HPA for Melbourne DB Group Buy

My apologies - reading back what I wrote and it almost seems rude. Not complaining at all, just passing along packaging feedback. Very appreciative of your products and the work you put in. Your're right - small boards are probably not at risk. Still, interleaving with paper is easy-peasy and cheap!

Founder of XSA-Labs
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Sorry about the tape. I ran out of blue tape. Some mineral spirits paint thinner should take it off easily.

These boards are now the v2 with tented vias where solder mask covers the vias to prevent inadvertent solder bridges. It was a highly requested feature - although the boards lose their bling.

This was mentioned in the thread earlier.
Sorry about the tape. I ran out of blue tape. Some mineral spirits paint thinner should take it off easily.

These boards are now the v2 with tented vias where solder mask covers the vias to prevent inadvertent solder bridges. It was a highly requested feature - although the boards lose their bling.

This was mentioned in the thread earlier.

Received several boards today looks great!

Pro tip for tape residue removal: peel off tape in one piece if possible, then dab the residue with the sticky side of the tape you just removed, multiple times. Couple of minutes and perfectly clean. Quick wipe with isopropyl alcohol or flux remover and ready for soldering.

Annoted Raw BOM

Yarra Team and Builders,

A lot of work went into the design, testing, and documentation. Thank you for this effort. I am looking forward to assembling this project.

I do not fully understand the interaction between the Project links in the Yarra preamp forum and what appears on the Mouser website, but the Project list appears to be dynamic. I decided before submitting my order to Mouser to check the raw BOM (link found in post #1) and the Mouser Project as I linked to it and downloaded on 07/22/2019. (Note, I actually linked to the project twice and ended up with two different lists - there were a number of additions not related to the Yarra Preamp ).

The attached Excel file adds the Mouser information to the Raw File BOM in the columns to the right along with some notes. The worksheet provides a key to the items per the board layout and schematic and points out areas where you have some choices.

This is provided for reference and should not be used directly to generate an order - each line in the Raw file BOM has a part number, so for some items the part number will appear on multiple lines.

Now that the painful part is done, on to the fun.




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Founder of XSA-Labs
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Hi Mike,
Thanks for pointing this issue out. We noticed this problem and asked folks to save the BOM link to their own project before modifying it - otherwise it reflects what the latest person who used it to modify for their own needs. Unfortunately, that’s the best we can do - maybe someone knows how to share a locked project list. So a little homework on your part is going to be needed.
Good luck with your build!
Founder of XSA-Labs
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Batty, the boards are so small that JP left the C or R off to save space. It’s pretty obvious what part is an R or C or V. But you should use the stuffing guide that is provided as it show orientation of the standing resistors. WBA18 one is here:
The YARRA Preamplifier/HPA for Melbourne DB Group Buy

There is one for the PCA somewhere in this thread too. Just need to look. I never got a chance to put a link in the first post yet.

BOM for PCA is here but the large source resistors need to be changed:

The test build was here:


Change to use either two 2w x 270ohm resistors or some other combo that is about 135ohms and can dissipate 1W. You have lots of choices. Four 0.5W 560ohms also work.
Last edited:
Joined 2014
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I had some time last night to work on my Yarra ‘s rear panel.
The pcb is spaced on M3 x 20mm brass standoffs to give room for the Manley Labs RCA’s. I used solid core copper ground wire from household 14/2 Romex cable for the short connection to pcb.
Position all the jacks on the rear panel and attach PCB to the standoffs. Then insert the copper wire through the pcb to land in the RCA center pin solder cup, cut the wire just above the board. Repeat for all and solder. Then do the same for the ground wire, landing it inside the RCA ground outer ring.

(Note: make sure you attach the rotary switch and ribbon cable header first)

Manley RCA link:

MANLEY RCA Gold-plated & Teflon phono jack Brand NEW! | eBay


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Hi Gary,
The WBA18 is still the verification build PCB - I haven't released the BOM or placement guide yet because I want to make sure they are good.

I guess there is probably no harm in releasing the BOM early if you want to do some shopping for parts first...

So these are still preliminary, please use the latest version once I verify the board works and order the final production boards.

Below are the BOM (in zipped CSV format), the stuffing guide and the schematic.


Is this the current placement guide and BOM for the WBA18, or have there been updates based on the verification build, etc.? Can current versions and schematics be put at post #1?