RIP Brad Wood

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I will miss you...


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I once had the pleasure of lunch with Brad (who posted as bcarso here). He consulted on a small project for me. Life got in the way and we never finished what we set out to do. He was phenomenally smart, generous with his knowledge and patient with my limited ability. I regret not being able to do more work with him.
I first met Brad in 1999 when I joined the Harman Multimedia group. We worked together at Harman for 1 year and later on various business and personal projects. He designed this all-tube active crossover, which used over 500 parts and had a double decker, split rail power supply, for me in 2003:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

He was a colleague, friend, and mentor and the smartest analog circuit designer, discrete solid state and tube, I have ever met. He will be missed.
Mr Wood and me frequently communicated through email, I thoroughly enjoyed his intelligence and wit, an individual with a scent of pedigree.
Couple of years ago, he told me he was on the verge of finally 'getting his own', as he put it, in a commercial/financial sense.

Allen Wright, Brad Wood, in the end there will be no individuals left, sufficiently interesting for me to chat with.
RIP Mr Bradley, you're already missed, but dearly recollected.
Joined 2004
Paid Member
I can't believe it! Brad was an amazing person for how much he helped people around here, and shared his considerable knowledge. I didn't know him personally, but we exchanged a few messages.

I can't add anything to what's been posted already. We are sure going to miss him!

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