LSK pre - BAF 2013

Hi, Juma just finished assembling the post.67 chematic preamp V+/V- 33.5 vdc, Offset OK, added 220R resistor to R4-R5 now I kindly ask you how I can increase the gain (resistor value to be changed) since to hear the music at a decent level I have to turn the knob to about 1/2 volume
pot is Alps Black 50K.Best regards Sergio Italy
Lowering the R6 will increase the gain and the distortion too.
Increasing the R9 will increase the gain also but it it will increase the output impedance (Zout) too.
Zout is determined by value of R9 and it is already very high (6k8 paralleled with Zin of the next stage).
I don't know what is your next stage (amplifier? , pot?) and what is its Zin, but it's possible that you don't lack gain - it might be that your next stage "eats" the gain (low Zin) so you actually might need a buffer rather than more gain in the preamp.
Since you are hiding data about your exact configuration it's hard to help you.


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1. why both 24 and 33 volts.
2. Why not run the whole thing on 24 volts?
3. have any changes (improvements??) been made since you posted that circuit?
1. Having in mind max. V_out of the gain stage it would be wasteful (voltage/power-wise) to supply the buffer stage with more than +-24V.
2. Sure you can supply both stages with +-24V if you don't mind max. output voltage swing being lowered from roughly 15V_peak to about 10V_peak. In that case R4 and R5 should be changed to750R.
3. I think there were several, but I can't remember them all (it was >10years ago). The one in posts #485 and #492 comes to my mind (post #705 too) - for the rest you'd better browse the thread.
Cheers !