LuFo Amp - 39w SE Class A from 28v Rail

Joined 2008
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Thanks, xrk. I‘ll get a couple of those to start. 2 from the same vendor is hard to ignore.

I’m scheming this build out and want to do something a little different. I’ll probably go with forced air cooling and repurpose a nice vintage power amp chassis.
Joined 2008
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Good point, thank you. I'm always wary of quick off-on with any of my DIY amps.

Do I need one NTC per channel, or just one for the single output of the presumed SMPS?

Does this rudimentary diagram make sense for this conversation?


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Joined 2008
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SMDs conquered! First time soldering tiny things with paste and hot plate. Went perfectly as far as I can tell. Thanks to xrk971 for the great videos and suggestions. :cool:


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Joined 2021
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Cool @von Ah, this step is waiting for me too, that's why I have such a delay :unsure:
I was 17 years old as I soldered SMD thingies for the last time, in the school... 36 years ago :deerman:
But if it works (I must try it)... the next one will be X's class D amp, with many SMD parts :rofl:
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Joined 2008
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Thanks, all. I hope I didn’t cook any of them. I pulled the pan off to a damp towel soon after all boards were flowing and shiny. One took longer than the rest. I’ll have to improve my technique to get more even heating. Although the only other SMD task pending so far are the Lender preamp boards for the LuFo. So many little pieces. :oops:

I‘ll use the little transistor tester on the LD’s tomorrow. For now I’ll celebrate the success for not burning myself or the house. :giggle:
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