Hi CyberPit,

Rev. 1.2 I soldered SMD+THT part manually, ADC, DAC, S/PDIF works without any complications. Now I'm going to build enclosure.
Thank you very much, beautiful design and project :cool:.

small typo in the schematic -> "(220R) R155 -> R60"


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Hi Serge,

has anyone managed to use ReadBack in SigmaStudio with the Raspberry (Elagil) application?

The SigmaStudio app has a bug when using TCP connection and reading a lot of data, which causes it to crash. I don't think there is a fast workaround. I wanted to write a aardvark replacement lib to tunnel the aardvark USB commands over network but I did not find time to continue working on it yet.

I also tried the TCP interface with the newer SigmaStudio plus. The connectioned worked better but there were some other bugs as well -.-

I wanted to write a aardvark replacement lib to tunnel the aardvark USB commands over network but I did not find time to continue working on it yet.
Haha, I wonder where that comes from ;)

Thank you Ludwig for your quick response, I will abandon this application.
If you are ok with control over USB, I can propose my solution: York
I'm finishing the firmware for USB-only version and preparing for small batch production. Later I'm considering implementing same thing on full version with ESP32 as WiFi interface.

I have a FS problem that I don't understand in SigmaStudio.

I switched a project which was in 48Khz to 96Khz, I used to propagate current FS to all cells.

The BASE_FS register is indeed at X2 (96KHZ for 48KHZ).

When I connect REW all my cutoff frequencies are multiplied by 2.

I must have forgotten something to modify?

Thanks for your help.
Serge B.
Hi, I've been watching this thread intermittently and have been wondering how far we are from a "FreeDSP Octavia for Dummies". A basic set of instructions, some diagrams, a BOM for Mcmaster Carr or something, etc.

It would be really neat to try to run a pair of four-way speakers from a device like this. I love the raspberry pi as a DSP engine and streaming device. I love the community aspect of this design. I just know enough to know I don't know a single thing about what you're doing, @CyberPit. I'm just periodically in awe of the progress.
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@D1sco Responding to the discussion about finding a way to use CamillaDSP for controlling two-way or multichannel speakers, I share my interest as well. From what I've understood, the main obstacle in using Raspberry Pi for such a task is the lack of support for multi-channel I2S, which is crucial for handling more complex audio systems. I've heard that SBCs from Radxa offer this capability, which opens up possibilities for experiments with advanced audio configurations. However, as you mentioned, it seems that an interface of some sort is needed between the DAC and the I2S/TDM output, which complicates matters. Source:
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Thanks for the response, but I was looking for a solution that could directly transmit sound via i2s/tdm to a DAC. Shortly after posting here, I found a solution—HiFiBerry has released a new DAC with eight outputs, the DAC8x. If anyone is interested, I just ordered one and will be testing it soon
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Same here :D

I was able to get 8 channel TDM working on York. (TDM is not supported by PIC32 MCU out of the box).
Revision 1 is also able to support 8ch TDM with one modification, so it can be used in this project to deliver 8 channels to ADAU with no modificaions to the main board.
Great project, but personally, I wanted to avoid using USB as an interface in my project. From what I've found, Radxa SBC and Raspberry Pi 5 can support eight-channel audio configuration. I'm more interested in whether it's possible to configure FreeDSP OCTAVIA to use its inputs and outputs for processing audio through CamillaDSP. Generally, I'm building two-way speakers and looking for a DSP solution for this project.

I'm dealing with an interesting issue regarding the stability of AUX_ADC.
In the format 32.0, when set to full volume, I notice that for example:
  • AUX_ADC_0 oscillates between 972 <->1023 without any movement of the potentiometer.
  • AUX_ADC_5 (yes resistor source select switch) oscillates from 802 <-> 828 when set to full volume.

Is this behavior normal for ADAU1466, or could there be something wrong on the hardware side?
I've checked the pins with an oscilloscope and they seem okay to me. The problem is that this fluctuation is audible in the sound (a kind of crackling).
I've been trying to identify the cause for a while, and eventually, a design where I use a DC block instead of AUXADC pointed to the culprit.

Any ideas please?

Thanks, Tom