Full Range Speaker Photo Gallery

Here some pictures of my small 5.0 HT system based on the Tangband W3-871s units.
(Lancetta HE and CT209)

All filters applied are the same as the Lancetta High-End version.

All cabinets are increased in outher size for cosmetic resons.

The cabinets are made of 10mm thick MDF, finished with black velvet all arround.
The side panels are beech and painted with dark teak finish.

The hole at the front of the Lancetta's is finished with a thick
aluminiumplate and foam. (not shown)

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Small Horns


this is a picture of my beloved Bicors; I was offered an old pair of enclosures that I refurbished using an electric sander and two coats of primer. They still need the finishing coats, but I cannot decide on the colour.
Drivers are Lowther PM6Cs, modified by Mr Stamm (former Loth-X). They sound truly excellent IMHO, lacking most of that infamous "shout". No tweeter needed either.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

These are modified Buschhorns (smaller CC, additional bracing). Unfortunately they are not perfect, as they are made from 12mm MDF (wrong thickness/material) and resonate at times. With the right music, they simply disappear. I just have to build them again with 19mm plywood, which I'm going to do this winter. It seems my GF loves these speakers even more than I do. Strange.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Re: Re: Small Horns

planet10 said:
Chris' wife was also very anamoured of the looks of his B-Horns. To the point of buying him another set of drivers when someone talked him out of them :)

Same speaker, same story in my house ;) My girlf is very happy with them. From an aesthetic point of view they are proportionally just about perfect I think, that was one of the big factors in my choosing to build a pair. Of course, let's not forget they sound superb too and offer great versatility. Coredump, those look very impressive in red now!
Re: Small Horns

Ropie wrote:
[...]Coredump, those look very impressive in red now!

Thanks! And, as expected, it was a real PITA to get there. Red seems to be one of the colours that need more coats than others until it's solid. Nine in my case, with a good (and careful) sanding between every coat. This alone is a strong enough argument for me to use real wood with my next enclosures. ;-)

Best regards,

Jordan JX92S in GM's ML-TL box (not as wide as original). (Dynaudio Audience 52 and 42C in the background)

Listening distance is 290 cm (60 degree triangle). At the moment the speakers have been placed with their axes crossing atleast 100 cm in front of the listener. This way the side wall reflections decrease conciderably. Also the upper frequencies roll off rapidly. I have added high quality tweeters on top of the speakers and aimed them upwards. The cut off frequency is about 12 kHz, but I intend to raise it a few kHz.

The sound stage is now incredibly accurate (too accurate with some recordings). High frequency response is airy and sweet. There is no more sibilance and hardness in the sound.
I recommend trying this kind of configuration. Doesn't cost a dime if you have a few tweeters and caps laying around :smash:


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sumacSK said:
Hi Jean-Marc,

How this (new) speakers compare to old ones with monacor drivers? What about the bass extension?

Thanks Martin

Bonjour Martin,

Qts with current source (50 Ohms) is about 1,5 and the four drivers in arrays increase for 6 dB the efficiency so there is correlation, about 200Hz. These two points are open baffle compensations.

Baffle with Fostex is somewhat larger than first with Monacor and corner of room are some use for effect on bass.
Bass extension is pleased, and even surprising for a dipole configuration.

Higher register is more extended than with Monacor, no tweeter is now not at all a deficiency.
There is less distortion, learn is transparent, I'm very pleased !

Joined 2001
Paid Member
Re: fe206e blh

built these a while back.

Fall 1974. Christmas present for my brother. They came back this summer.

Today we'd call this a bipolar alphaTL. Back then we called it an EPI MicroTower clone.

Seems they are back to the future. Been a long ways between them & here. The latest off the drawing board are amazingly similar.

Soft on the top off axis, but quite surprising.



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A lot of older designs are good. No reason why they cannot be revived.

Here is a design I built which I made use of for a few years; used a full range 12" from a Baldwin tone cab.A modified "ace"design with an angled top face. This worked excellent with the 2a3 tube amps I was using at the time.:)

cheers from Surrey B.C.


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