Post your Analogue Source pics here

My self designed and self built RIAA amp.
  • MM & MC
  • Adjustable load capacitance for MM and load resistance for MC
  • Adjustable gain, 4 steps
  • DC servo to eliminate unnecessary coupling capacitors
  • Active/passive RIAA network with 0.1 % thin film resistors, 2 % PPS caps
  • RIAA accuracy better than +/-0.1 dB
  • Mute circuit to eliminate pops at power-up and off
  • Low noise and ultra low distortion
  • 4-layer PCB with good GND plane for low noise

View attachment 1172652

I recently did a couple of these and had the enclosure CNC machined:

View attachment 1172653

Example frequency response deviation (jumps at low frequecies caused by QA software settings). Note the Y-axle span.

View attachment 1172654

I may post a dedicated thread about this one if there's interest.

Please,post a dedicated thread!
I have thought about magnetically levitated platters. If totally suspended by magnetics, would there be any 'bumping' from magnet to magnet? If so, would it help to only partially suspend the platter and have say 80% of the weight suspended, allowing for a stabilization of the platter weight during rotation?
Changed the arm on the SP10, now using a PMAC AT1010 Mk8. Running a Goldring Elite MC cart

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Hi Deadhead;

I'm rereading the thread, looking hard at Adelmo's suspension. With more spare time, I'm ready to make my plinth "float". One gets tired of having to tip toe around the room!

The platter magnets are rather large compared to what's available. As to whether the force is doubled, you would have to study Earnshaw's theorem. It is significantly more than singles. What gets me, is that after a few years, it hasn't sagged any.

I see that platters are available again on Search for...
60T Super Sound Aluminum Platter+Tungsten steel Maglev bearing for Turntables

Cheers; Glenn

Hi Glenn,

Any progress with your TT?



I think my 8th or 9th DIY retip. Supex SD-909. Sounds fantastic with a Naimiki Shibatata in place. Quite a bit heavier than the SD-900 Super I retipped with a line contact ruby cantilever, and the 909 is happier with a bit more tracking force (2.1-2.3 or so right now). Now I gotta figure out how to get all the old melted yellow rubber off of the coils... I am sure that is why it's tracking heavy.
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