Two New Moderators

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diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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We don't like to discuss this overly , since andy_c isn't here to respond. It isn't fair to him. I feel it is important to say that the new mods had nothing to do with it.

Andy sent us many messages that were clearly intended to be grossly offensive. He also made insulting posts to members, then deleted them after they were presumably read by the intended recipient, before mods could take action. The only interpretation possible in our opinion is that he was purposely trying to be banned to appear as a martyr, which has apparently worked somewhat, judging by some posts here. Eventually we felt that his apparent wish should be granted. Whether this was his intention or not could be debated, but not here. Nothing can be gained by this so we won't be commenting further.

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Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
My, do you really think that two newbie moderators have that much to say on such matters
Man, we dont even know him, so why
Be realistic
At this moment we mostly do manual work
We support the team in everything they do, and in what is decided

I can tell you, the team work the best way possible, much better than you can imagine
I can tell you that everyone in the team go to the exstreme to avoid a ban, really

I dont know why you think that way
Noone wants to ban anyone
Everything possible have been done to avoid it
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