Yet another Planar Magnetic Line Source, the SMAPPP

So here's the chart over the force on a aluminium foil conduit in a magnetic flux density produced in a push pull configuration when it moves from rest level to 1 mm above rest level:
MWSnap713 2024-05-06, 10_10_04.jpg

MWSnap714 2024-05-06, 10_10_18.jpg

MWSnap712 2024-05-06, 10_05_45.jpg

Enlarge it or open the picture in another tab to view it better.

So if only the deviation in percent from the rest level manifests in distortion, there's a clear winner.
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I thought that I would have gotten my new cutting machine (Silhouette Cameo 5) by know, but it will still be a while.

So I almost finished the rest, in CAD at least.

Here's one of 44 steel plates, 184 mm wide and 200 mm high.
22 magnets, 10x5x3 mm, will be mounted on each steel plate.
MWSnap721 2024-05-09, 18_20_22.jpg

A nut bar will hold front and back plates together in three places:

En mutterlist skall hålla samman fram- respektive bakplåt på tre ställen:

A front plate is fastened with a long screw in the nut in te bar. On the protruding rest of the screw, the back plate will be fastened with yet another nut.
Look at the vertical screw holes in the plate above.
The back plate must be wiggled in place.
I will probably not use all screw holes.
The nut bar has also screw holes for supporting side beam.

Here's an attempt to visualize it:
Open in youtube and increase resolution.
Well, that didn't go well. The plates bulged in the middle of the mid section by almost an millimeter.

New plate design:
MWSnap734 2024-05-20, 15_21_11.jpg

Only five columns of magnets for the mid but now three columns of magnets for the tweeter.
I've also increased the amount of steel between the elongated holes.

The extra holes at the side of each outmost column of magnets are just to be able to temporarily fasten the magnets with zip ties:

So, did the changes help?

Yes, I think so. The largest bulge I can measure is 14.20 mm, that's 0.20 mm from the nominal 14 mm.

What do you think, should I iterate the design further?
That design is quite beautiful in it's simplicity, I think I will copy that!

The problem at 0:44 where one edge wasn't corrugated can probably be mitigated by making the corrugating wheels slightly wider than the membrane feeder.

I'm curious, did you use ball bearings or without? Looking at building my own corrugator and have planned for ball bearings but not sure if I'm just making everything far more complicated than it needs to be.
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