Welcome to the new diyAudio platform - feedback wanted!

diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2008
Paid Member
Noticing difficulty when adding a link to a post...

Perhaps adding a window border around the add link popup might make it more distinct. In the dark theme I'm using everything tends to blend a little. Also, shifting the Save Cancel buttons to the RHS on the Edit would move the clear of the area the add link popup occupies. Then they'd be in the same place as "Post" normally sits.
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I like everything about it... but it would be convenient to add 'see your posts' to the menu when you are in a particular thread. You can only see this in main topic mode.

Is there any way to get more than 20 results on a thread search? For example, there's close to 500 pages of posts to the Aleph J illustrated build guide thread. Even doing a search (assuming you know the correct search terms) can result in many many pages of results. I'm finding this a very tedious process, especially with my multiple RSI hand problems. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.
diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2008
Paid Member
If that is all you are seeing it would be a problem. As it is, a search page has 20 entries per page regardless of our settings. It should have a page selector at the bottom and I would like to see it revised to have this at the top as well.

Screenshot from 2023-06-18 11-34-06.png

After 10 pages, there is a button for seeing older entries, except in search this thread mode where 200 posts seems to be the limit.
@Jason B

Thanks for creating this forum - with excess enthusiasm, I registered myself and only came to the realisation later today that as a person who is just getting started with my audiophile journey I cannot add value as I am not one who is capable of building my own equipment.
I fear I won't be able to add value to this site in the way it is intended.

With the above in consideration, I think it would be better to delete my profile from your membership. I apologise for any inconvenience caused.


?! You're the best kind of new forum member! All you probably really know is the self serving consumer advertising B/S and any well meaning, yet (often seriously) misinformed, online DIYers that I (in retrospect) joined the various audio/HT forums to refute/dispel, (re)educate ~27 yrs ago, so at the least it's a good plan to lurk as a member, so you can see all the added content w/o ads and if nothing else you can always show some gratitude by becoming a donating member (subtly isn't in my nature ;)).
@Jason B

Thanks for creating this forum - with excess enthusiasm, I registered myself and only came to the realisation later today that as a person who is just getting started with my audiophile journey I cannot add value as I am not one who is capable of building my own equipment.
I fear I won't be able to add value to this site in the way it is intended.

With the above in consideration, I think it would be better to delete my profile from your membership. I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Just asking questions is a contribution in itself, as it paves the way for answers. If we don’t explore our curiosity and seek help from others, answers may never find their way into public domain.

I can’t count the number of times I have searched for an answer and been led to this forum. Discussion stay open for a long time, and this is a great thing. We’re living in a time when other forums seem to now be disposable and close topic discussions after a mere few weeks or months. That happens to be right around the time when someone comes along with the same question or an answer.
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Joined 2010
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@Jason B

Thanks for creating this forum - with excess enthusiasm, I registered myself and only came to the realisation later today that as a person who is just getting started with my audiophile journey I cannot add value as I am not one who is capable of building my own equipment.
I fear I won't be able to add value to this site in the way it is intended.

With the above in consideration, I think it would be better to delete my profile from your membership. I apologise for any inconvenience caused.


If that were the case, some of us, hmm.. would have been kicked out a long time ago.

I guess they keep us around for entertainment?

That and the dubious fact that I have excellent taste of music. - I don't much build anymore... For sure some of the people in here use full blown engineering skills mixed with the skill of a technician. Myself. I ain't that good with analog hardware (*) anymore and the technicians in the lab are superb and have much better eyesight.

It's an enjoyable site.

Stick around... even if all you do is build your own cables. ;-)

(*) Heck, even digital has gone to Verilog/VHDL.
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