Canadians persecuting Americans?

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Some places in California you pay extra for the wooden platter. It implies you are getting a real "he-man" meal.

Personally, I've found Canadian's so polite it's almost embarrassing. The only raised voice I ever heard was about 1972 when I inadvertently got the currency I was using in Toronto mixed up (both kinds stuffed in the same wallet) "why don't you use real money?" The exchange rate was the other way around at the time.
never had a problem

On my few business trips to Canada...Toronto...I have never had a problem. that said..however...on many trips to France I have seen americans treated "badly" but only because their behavior was totally rude and condescending. The treatment they got was WELL deserved! I, on the other hand, don't speak French and always had a great time and found the French very helpful. And in my travels I have seen a lot of "Ugly American" behavior.

I just don't buy this story sounds a couple of americans a bit out of control and without any manners..maybe they didn't realize that they weren't in dixie...
1/137 - French

I go to France a couple times a year. I will not give up my Pomerol!

Right after 9/11 many wore American flag pins, or sweaters embroidered with American flags. I think that the memory of Algeria lingers long in those 50 years and up.

You are absolutely correct, even before this mess rude Americans were still rude people and the French, taking pride in their culture, see it as an affront to talk loudly in Notre Dame, chew gum in Chartres, wear a tank-top with your guy hanging out in the Orsay. (

As bad as my "freres Americaine" are, they like people from Japan and China even less.
Wow gigatron. You aren't a bartender at the Jolly Taxpayer are you? You do jump to conclusions rather quickly.

But I must admit, you sure have us Americans all figured out. It all rings true. And we all really do look alike.

They were not intoxicated from leaf nor liquid. They didn't complain about their steak. They are of simpler tastes but that's not a crime. One is polite to a fault. And the other is polite until you fault. And it was the latter one combined with a sensitive bartender that I suspect led to their ejection.

I think the term is gung ho which means work together. The are not pro-war and believe it or not, they are not racist, certainly not against blacks. Neither of them are gun owners.

Does Mexico count? How about Columbia? They are men of simple tastes no doubt.

So I'm confused by your tag. Do you want to be an American colony or not?

In the meantime, why don't you come down for a visit? Disregard the NO IRAQ WAR signs. I know they seem to be in just about every other car window on the road. They just put them there to be funny.
yea then this happens:

Oh and don't take me wrong. I have american friends (heck, we are only neighbours duh people don't realize). In fact my favorite teacher from back in school is American. I am just against any slight action that promotes the 'excess-freedom' of americans... So people get shocked, sure Pierre Trudau gave a finger in open public, sure Nixon called him an ******* (lol) **** happens, but Americans push certain things too far... Don't deny this, Freedom Fries... or how about the people who wanted wine served in an american restaurent but the owners spilled all the whine because it was french. What about the comics making fun of Turks, what about the racist comments and people calling Germans anti-war protesters as NAZIs? How do those people feel? Then in turn when you get a slight slap back for acting in a certain way it's a big deal? why ? :/ This topic is pointless lol.. just a spinoff from the "What do we do for peace" topic... No one will attack you, unless you attack them. It's simple, if you slap someone, expect a reaction *try it right now to the closest person near you* That's the only point :/ Americans think they are all HATED by EVERYONE, err no... the US gov.. sure, they have caused much harm.... far too much... But people who have been brainwashed into thinking like the government.. o_O Ok, don't hate but at least try and revert back to sanity, since honestly they are innoscent, only brainwashed, wether its talking to them or kicking them out of a bar for being too drunk, it makes them something to think about. I am sure someone would not just kick them out of a bar unless they acted like total jackasses. Plus the Canadian asked politely to leave :p Oh and supposingly the US has everything worked out and knows everyone in the world, flawlessly therefore has the right to help everyone else :p
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002

Hi, you have fingerprints left after all that typing?

Seriously, I do love Canada...well at least I enjoyed their hospitality a lot, the country, Montreal, Quebec, reminded me a lot of a way they are a lot like European people.

Nothing against the U.S. of A other than that they somehow seem to lower standards in Europe every five years...don't know how they manage that.:rolleyes:


/No offense to the U.S., just an observation.
Well we gotta admit this :drunk:


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gigatron, I'm not sure about Nixon, nazis, brainwashing, and americans having everything worked out but the only point I could draw from your post was that one shouldn't complain about treatment based on their behavior. I don't think anyone including my friends would disagree with this. But your point is redundant when realizing that you have drawn several incorrect assumptions such as my friend's intoxication and a polite bartender.
Re Gal

You know..I think you are taking this thing much too seriously. You don't know what happened as you were not there and you are getting a second hand story which may not be complete.

And your emotional reaction is sort of like the "ugly american" reactions I have seen in Europe...

There doesn't seem to be many people that seem to think the you heard it..makes sense. Maybe you should listen to what people are saying and think about it. Maybe they are not all "wrong." Maybe your friend's 'story" really doesn't make sense. have you ever encountered any problems up there?

I think this thread is begging for an old anecdote about an
american couple living up to the european cliché about
american tourists. I have no idea if it is true, but it wouldn't
surprise me. Anyway, I think it is fun and it shows that you
can insult people in polite ways. BTW, I do of course realize
that if true, they could just as well have been tourists from many
other countries than the US.

So, this american couple is in France on vacation and having read
up a bit they do know France is known for its food and that
restaurants with stars in Guide Rouge are supposed to be
the best. Hence, off they go to one of the three-star
restaurants. Once seated, they realize the menu is not in
english, but let's go for the most expensive dish. That has to
be the best one, right? They are eventually served a very
delicious fish course. Somewhat puzzled they look at the
food in front of them and the man shouts "waiter! We'd like
some ketchup". The stone-faced waiter just dissapears into
the kitchen and returns with a bottle of Heinz on a silver tray.
After puring a generous amount of it over the fish, the tourists
starts eating with a healthy appetite, and eventually shouts
"Waiter! We'd like to pay now.". The waiter shooks his head
and says "no!". "What do you mean, no?" asks the american
man puzzled. "I am sorry" says the waiter "but we only
charge for food at this restaurant." :)

Sorry, but I cannot remember if they ordered Coke instead
of wine. :)
pinkmouse said:

And coffee;), but I quite like the bourbon...

American coffe is a very sad story. Fortunately, you can get
very good coffe nowadays if you go to places like Starbucks
or SBC.

And, please, don't remind me of that barbaric tradition of
having coffe with the food. I don't know how many times
I have tried to explain that I want my coffe after the food,
not with it. They usually give me a look as if I'm some kind
of alien, and only if I'm lucky do I manage to get some coffee
when finished with the food. Probably they find me just as
barbaric as we do with americans pouring ketchup over a
sole meuniére, though. :)
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