Feature request: sticky thread-title?

Joined 2017
Paid Member
Good morning!
When I go through the updates, I almost every time forget what thread I‘m reading (on the mobile)…
Couldn‘t the thread‘s title be made into a line in the sticky header (below the logo or something)?
Thank you for everything anyway, anytime!
Joined 2000
Paid Member
Some months ago I asked for the same feature, but now this thread is much more visible (if this ever will mean something)...


I got it, a sticky header (which exists), but adding in the title of the thread in there. Sure, noted. I will consider this suggestion when the site aesthetics are reviewed in a couple of months. I'm currently working on urgent store related stuff, but once that has been bedded in, back to fixing the forum. Thanks for the suggestion.

With the help remembering what thread you are reading, perhaps if the title was shown when you click "next page" it would help jog your memory?
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Joined 2017
Paid Member
Good morning Jason
Thank for accepting the suggestion…
The title at the end would ameliorate it a bit, but as I most of the times lose track when in the middle of the page, a peek in the purple bar (or just below, or maybe with a little scroll backwards to make it visible, although this probably would be disputed too) would be preferable IMHO.
Anyway, it’s already working so im happy already :)
Thanks for the suggestion.
My pleasure.
With the help remembering what thread you are reading, perhaps if the title was shown when you click "next page" it would help jog your memory?
At least for me if the title was sticked on the top bar (thanks for the exact name, AllenB!) it would be optimal just because (I do not really know why) my eyes (it seems not only mine ;)) automagically fall on the top of the page just as if they expected the title just right there.
Thank you for your appreciated reply.
Joined 2017
Paid Member
If there was the thread‘s title just below (or instead?! the purple diyaudio logo…
And by „already working“ I meant the whole diyaudio forum, unfortunately not the title thing 🫢


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If there was the thread‘s title just below (or instead?! the purple diyaudio logo…
I see.
I'm not from mobile though.
Maybe a setting on your browser related to show the title on top bar (maybe its name is that on mobile only)...

And by „already working“ I meant the whole diyaudio forum, unfortunately not the title thing

Seriously, thanks for your appreciated screenshot.

Please note that I'm not an expert, but deepening a bit the issue then it seems to me that first of all things are pretty different between mobile-issue described by OP and PC-related one.

However, as said, I'm on PC running a Chrome-based browser and maybe the attached screenshot "explains" the situation better than thousands of words (just as usually it happens).

Anyway, in two words: the (very useful) lines inside the yellow-marked square just disappear if you scroll-down the page (as already described above).

For further information please notice that (if not in full-screen mode, of course) every tab shows the thread title (although abbreviated, and more the pages more the abbreviation are short), but not the related page number (unless you hover over it with the mouse pointer).


For the sake of completeness I want to report that other forums out there seem to show the same behaviour though.

Please forgive once more time the self quoted thread in the screenshot [and the "contribute" mispelling (contribution) in the thread itself]... :rolleyes:
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