Holton Audio Testimonials

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Stefan From Netherlands - Jaw Dropping Sound Quality!

In the recent months, I have put together my power amp based on Holton’s DIY kits. I choose the HPA-NXL300 R4. I run a straightforward 2-way loudspeaker system based on SEAS drivers. These loudspeakers are really good in terms of sound stage (the DXT tweeter is very nice) and the phase-coherence. The latter is where the magic happens (at least for me) for any loudspeaker.

I was looking to upgrade my Class-D based amp that sounded very clean, but missed the music, its missed the magic.

Building the kit was a lot of fun and with a bit of help from Anthony, very achievable. I ordered transformers from Poland and a DIY chassis from Italy. I used the HPA-NXVPSU-One R2 Power Supply to power the module.

When I turned on the AMP, it immediately put a smile on my face. It was clear immediately that this amp has all the power and punch I needed. But better, the sound was amazing. Detail, crystal clear mid's and like I said, enough punch. Voices sound very clear and the sound stage it produces is very large.

A friend of mine has put together a set based on Holton modules as well and told me I should really order the Volt One and power the input-stage of the amps separately to really get that extra bit of magic. And because the whole process of building something yourself is so much fun, I did.

I was not sure what to expect, as it is always easy to think something sounds better, because you just spend extra bucks.

When the Volt One was installed, and I turned on the amp again, I was simply lost for words.

I now have the sound I was looking for, for the past 5 years or so. With this upgrade, the instruments and voices sound so crystal clear, it’s almost scary.

When Diana Krall sings, it’s almost like she is standing a few meters away from me. Leonard Cohen’s voice on the album ‘Old Ideas’ makes my blood clutter from excitement. It sounds incredible. The amp has so much control and clarity now, I can easily say it’s the best I heard from an amp. Class D, or the famous Bryston amps are suddenly toys. This amp is in a league of it’s own. Although I do wonder what the Holton class A would sound like ;-)

Another thing I like to stress: The help and responsiveness I got from Anthony was simply great. Anthony takes all the time to answer your questions, helps you out, even during weekends he responds to my email.

Thanks Anthony for creating a great product and all your help.

Stefan – The Netherlands

The picture below is when the amp was operational, but not finished. I now run it with a DA converter with digital volume control. The Rotel pre-amp has been retired.

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Holton Audio Testimonial#2

A month or so ago I purchased a fully built Holton Five Zero Zero power amplifier, and I feel compelled to share my thoughts on it. For reference, it replaced another relatively high power, high current amplifier of similar value, albeit an integrated with a passive pre-amp stage.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

First up, it looks stunning! The finishing quality is impeccable, and even my wife, who is normally a bit ho-hum with HiFi gear, commented on how much she liked the look. It's also got some serious weight to it, partly due to the solid case, thick machined fascia, and large heat sinks, but also no doubt thanks to the huge transformer and capacitor banks; no scrimping on the important stuff here!

I was very happy with my previous amplifier, but in all honesty I can say the Holton has taken the sound of my setup to another, altogether superior level. My previous amp was renowned for having good bottom end, but the impact of both drums and double/electric bass with the Holton is just phenomenal! Everyone who's heard it has remarked that it sounds like there's actually a drum kit in my lounge room! There's a track I'm infinitely familiar with where the bass guitarist slides between notes; with this amplifier I can not only hear the changing pitch, but actually pinpoint the moments when the bassists fingers slide over the frets. I can clearly discern whether they're playing with a pick or with fingers, and sometimes even how close to the bridge they're playing! Ultra low bass punches you in the face and then "blooms" outwards like an explosion from the impact zone; pretty spooky stuff!

Mid-range is also incredibly detailed and precise; there are subtle background "noises" which have suddenly turned into easily recognizable instruments. Guitars, woodwind, whispered vocals, suddenly revealed in crystal clarity despite being many layers back in the mix. Everyone who's heard the amp has also commented on how "black" the background is; one friend said "wow, now I can actually hear the notes that they're not playing". Instrument separation is superb, and you can easily follow each one in isolation, or simply tune into the music as a whole, and then again tune into another single melody or rhythm line, just like you would with a live performance. There's a naturalness to vocals that really needs to be heard to be believed, and a beautiful, expansive sense of air and space around each of the instruments; you can easily picture the size of the recording studio or venue. If you listen closely, the sound of a piano can be heard firstly as finger on keys, then keys hitting felt, then hammers hitting strings,then the body of the piano resonating with the strings, and then that resonance reverberating through the room. Imaging is pinpoint-sharp and clearly defined; when people speak of holographic imaging, this is it!! The image is higher, wider, and deeper than it was before, and the only limitation is my room and the placement of my speakers.

Treble is clear, defined, and ringing without being harsh or scratchy; tiny triangles, the sound of a cymbal struck on the bell or near the edge, the crack of a rim shot, all rendered in an utterly lifelike way.

On more than one occasion it's sent shivers down my spine or brought tears to my eyes.

And to top it all off Anthony was extremely personable, easy to speak to, and was happy to help out with all of my many queries; the sort of service you only get from someone who is passionate about what they do, and does it exceptionally well.

If you are looking for a power amplifier to build your dream 2-channel system, I cannot recommend this amp highly enough; in my opinion it'll absolutely blow the doors off amps worth many, many thousands of dollars more. Anthony, I have three words for you; thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!


Steve H

NSW, Australia

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Holton Audio Testimonial#3

I love listening to my favorite artists in the great music halls of the world. Places that are built for performances and full-spectrum listening that evoke deep immersion and emotional connection.


I want that in my lounge room every time I listen to music or watch a movie. And, I want it without re-building a version of the Opera House, Carnegie Hall or the Melbourne Recital Centre in my lounge room.

The choice of processor, amplifiers and speakers is absolutely crucial. And, this time around, the choice had to be right as I wanted to buy my speakers and amplifiers to keep me musically satisfied for the rest of my life (I'm 61).

Having invested in a range of VAF Signature speakers over the past 5 years, I followed a suggestion from Philip Vafiadis that I might like to listen to Holton Precision Audio amplifiers. In one visit to Holton’s exhibition at the International HiFi Show in Melbourne, I experienced the simple clarity of music that defies comparison with any other amplifier. You see, I was connected definitively with the music - leaving the source instruments and natural voices as the only viable comparators. And, I could not fault what I was hearing. In short, I had my speakers and I had now found my source for amplifiers. I am eternally grateful to Philip Vafiadis for pointing me in Anthony Holton's direction.

With a passion for music and for movies - I needed 14 channels of amplification.

For music: I chose two 2-channel Holton Cube amplifiers, which I bi-amped, one to each of the front speakers - VAF Signature i93 that are accompanied by two Gravitas sub woofers. My goodness - how crystal clear, natural and engaging is the sound. Adele is singing just for me and my wife, right there in our lounge room. The accompanying piano and orchestral backing are live and precise. The stage presence appears as perfect. In the next performance, Paul Simon’s layering and integration of Africa into each of his tracks on Graceland is reproduced magnificently - evoking the land itself. Then, Jackson Browne’s “Running on Empty” is sublime, bringing live performances into the lounge room transparently, epitomizing the skills of Anthony Holton and Philip Vafiadis to design pieces of audio mastery that do not stand in the way of the artist. Browne’s version of “Stay” makes me want to stay just a little bit longer in a simulated reality verging on perfect reproduction.

For movies: I added a third Holton Cube, bi-amped to drive the centre channel - a VAF Signature i93CC. A Holton Quad Cube amplifier drives four VAF Signature i66 (beautifully modified to reduce their physical size) as surround speakers. A second Holton Quad Cube amplifier drives four VAF i91 height speakers mounted in the ceiling.

I wanted an immersive sound stage and it’s the best I’ve ever experienced to take me deep into the story. Every carriage on the train in the Polar Express rattles through the room, steam blasting our feet as it pulls up to collect each child then jolts back hard with each carriage coupling pulling forward on departure. It’s pure immersive magic.

“The Police, Certifiable” blu-ray, live concert in Buenos Aires, puts you in the crowd and on the stage, bringing to centre stage the dynamics of Stewart Copeland’s drumming and percussion in “wrapped around your finger”. The artist is again delivering a complexity of rhythm and sound untainted by the audio system. Imagine, if you can, pouring your heart and energy into building a system of such quality that it disappears and you never notice the system. It is remarkable from the Holton and Vafiadis teams.

My favourite live play is Roy Orbison's Black and White Night blu-ray backed by a parade of stars. All that was missing from a real world experience in the room was the smoke. Thankfully neither Holton or Vafiadis deliver on that.

My processor is the Anthem 11.2 channel AVM60 (which doesn't do smoke either). It comes with Anthem Room Correction to optimise the listening experience without re-creating my room. Impressive.

This combination gets me as near to perfection as I can imagine getting. I can always change the processor as technology evolves a better "brain" for the system. But, I'm sold for life on Holton Audio for my power amplifiers and VAF Research for my signature speakers.

I'm also sold on the absolute integrity of Anthony Holton, Philip Vafiadis and Simon Wilde (GM at VAF, who brought the pieces together). They deliver on their promises enabling me to buy with deep trust. I commend them and their work to your attention.


The 2 channel "Holton Cube" amplifiers are Dual Mono Block amplifiers with a nominal power rating of 150 watts into 8 ohms and 260 watts into 4 ohms.

The 4 channel "Holton Quad Cube" amplifiers are quad mono block amplifiers with similar power ratings.


See: http://vaf.com.au/vaf-speakers/

Richard Hodge

South Australia
Holton Audio Testimonial#4

I am just listening to a CD called Crystal Tears with Andreas Scholl, the countertenor. It sounds like we are having a private recital with him actually in the room. it matches perfectly with my Harbeth speakers.

"I have had Anthony Holton’s Three Zero Zero amplifier for several weeks now and have already listened to a lot of music on it. It is the 200 watt version of the flagship five zero zero which he built for me. There is a special pleasure in that - that someone can build you a bespoke amplifier for a very reasonable cost.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The sound of the amplifier is something special. It is very pure, detailed but somehow magically human and warm as well. I have largely owned tube amplifiers over the years. For me Anthony’s amplifier sounds like an ideal blend of both solid state and tube amplification. Loads of power and great tube charisma.

Listening to it, I sense strongly how much artistry as well as technical craftsmanship has gone into the design and build.

I am really thrilled by this amp. If you are looking for an amplifier, definitely do yourself a favour and get Anthony to build one for you.”

Rob Castiglione
Western Australia
Holton Audio Testimonial#5

“In my world it is a rare thing to change my monitoring setup - as I’ve spent many years tweaking it. When I heard the new Holton Ex Nihilo amps though, I just knew I had to have them. They have one of the smoothest, deepest and widest sound stages I’ve heard in years, if ever.”

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

William Bowden, Grammy Award winning mastering engineer. Credits include Gotye, The Church, Katie Noonan, Hermitude and many others.
King Willy Sound | William Bowden, Grammy Award winning Mastering Engineer
Holton Audio Testimonial#5

Holton Class A NXA50L Amplifier
I have built two mono blocks. Each has a 600 VA encapsulated transformer, a RCRC filter with 0,5 and 0,25 ohms resistors and 600.000uF electrolytic capacitors, inrush current limiter, a mains DC-filter and loudspeaker protection. The bias is adjusted to 2,85 A the heatsinks are about 50-51 degrees Celsius (125 F) when warming up from about 22 degrees Celsius is complete. This should leave headroom for use even during a hot Danish summer. But a lot of cooling IS recommended and cooling can hardly be overdone.
The sound is magnificent. No less. The soundstage is huge and very roomy, the tonal balance is very neutral.
Details are abundant and very natural sounding. They let you hear all the detail you could possibly wish for, in a way that sounds utterly right. The details are there, you can clearly hear them, yet they do not seem exaggerated, on the contrary, they blend in in a very naturally sounding way. This is easily among the most detailed and transparent I have heard, yet totally without being too bright or too focused on the detail. They are equally good at making the tonal textures a joy to listen to. Piano music, for example sounds very natural, and all stages of the sound from the hammer hitting the string to the final reverberation in the room evolve smoothly, and, the recording permitting, this amp lets you know that this is happening in a room.
Transients are delivered with power and attack. The bass is tight and well controlled. I thought I had a major low-frequency room resonance problem – and I probably have to some extent – but these amps have reduced this problem considerably, revealing what superb control in the low-end region can do to tighten up bass response.
Dynamics is excellent, even at low volume I was often surprised at how much weight they can give to instruments demanding it, even at low listening levels.
Best of all they are very musical: They let you connect directly with the music’s emotions – from sadness to joyful foot tapping.
They are utterly pleasurable to listen to with all kinds of music and I am extremely happy with them.

Ole Thomsen
Hello All

Over the moon to present

Holton Precision Audio Amplification going into the Professional Area with 3 x 250w DIY Power Amplifiers and the venerable Holton 050.

Loads connected will be a pair of 21" Twin Bass reflex enclosures tuned to 24Hz and JBL Cinema 2632M-HF. System will be divided into an active/passive 3 way and Digital Filtering by an Ultimate Preamplifier by Analogue Precision Analog-Precision

Holton 050, 150w x 2, Compression Horns
Holton 250 x 2 Mid and High Mid
Holton 250 x 4 Bass

Gig is set for 21 March in Tasmania Australia and will be run off grid power systems and batteries provided by Solar Tasmania.

Will play to 450 people over 5 days, 13 performing groups plus Speakers from all over the World at the Newkind 2.0 Festival

Wish us good Luck and plenty of sunshine so we need not spoil the inky black noise floor with mechanical generators
Photos are of development and build. Theory is we should be able to provide a Cinematic Experience and possibly a little better than the normal PA in field.

Personally would like to give a hole hearted THANKS MATE to Anthony Holton, for making this possible and for being such a lovely member of the human race, great Bloke.

Full Review and Photos to follow after the event, watch this space


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Anthony Holton designs and manufactures in the top 1% of the Worlds finest Power Amplification that stretch beyond Home HiFi into Commercial applications over decades of continual refinement and nothing less than the best non compromise product for his Customers. His Passion goes well beyond his designs into providing the best one on one service for his Products in DIY


To procure one of his creations is nothing short of possibly the best or among the best experience from Concept to Delivery a Hard Core Audiophile or Audio Engineer can have. No to mention the beauty of just looking at the Power Amps, in and out, wooooooh beautiful stuff

This Testimonial Thread should be read from the start if you are considering purchasing
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