LM1876tf, vista audio and gainclones - any good?

Hi, I was looking at the very attractive 47 labs amps recently and trying to learn about the whole concept of gaincards/gainclones (yes, very late to the party). While the original seems to be built around a specific chip, the subsequent gainclones seem to use a wide array of different ones, seemingly with comparable or better results.

Putting on an altruistic hat for a moment, can somebody describe the whole concept and its evolution over the years in short? Are these still relevant in 2024?

I remembered than, I have one "such" (minimalist) chip amp in Vista Audio Spark 2. I only use HE speakers and i used it most with ls3/5a chinese clones (11ohm). Prefered it to NAD integrateds for sure. Clean and smooth sounding.

Here are some pics of it. Single LM1876tf inside, 20w per channel. Is this related to the gainclones? How does it rank? Is it worth keeping, improving?

I realise these questions are very generalistic, so general insight is appreciated:)


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"can somebody describe the whole concept and its evolution over the years in short?"

Power op-amps, yee-haw! Easier to implement than starting with just transistors. Tho Class D is a more complex implementation, the efficiency has given it the edge over time, so the marketplace has gone in that direction.

"...Vista Audio Spark 2... How does it rank? Is it worth keeping, improving?"

I've never heard it. Looks like Audio Science Review trashes it, they worship at the alter of SINAD, so grain of salt maybe. Some other reviews seem to like it. ASR complains about the power supply, so maybe your 11 ohm speakers allow it to shine?

You seem to like it, so you might as well roll with it? I guess you could think about better power supply smoothing and filtration. One of the nice things about a commercial amp is that it's all buttoned up and fits in a nice chassis and everything. Seems like it would be a shame to potentially muck that up.

If you wanted to experiment (DIY Audio!) I'd say start on a new amp path, and keep the Spark as-is. Tom's Neurochrome stuff seems legit! Or there are TPA3250 boards for $20 or so (Amazon here, but I presume available where you are also) and that can partner with a Meanwell SMPS and you can make a project out of casing it up. Or just buy a more complete TPA3255 amp. Or start following what Nelson is doing and pick up the small Class-A de-jour (dang, is that F5m in the store yet?).

I have some chip amps and some class D stuff and Nelson's ACA Redux and they're all fun. I wouldn't say any of them is so far ahead as to render the others obsolete. Perhaps I'm not a good one to ask, as I'm not so much looking to find the best of the best, but rather just enjoy the different flavors. Have fun!
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Thanks for the replies! I too have built an ACA a year or two ago, as my first foray into diy. Very much a paint by numbers affair, but rather pleased with it now. The Spark and ACA sound quite different. ACA is a bit grainy, fast and rich and the Spark sounds much cleaner, smoother but not as voluptuous.

The whole gainclone thing still confuses me. The original gaincard, as i understand it was built with LM3886 and like 5 other parts per stage. Some gainclones use different chips, LM1875/76 et.al.and many others. Some use much more parts. Some use ridiculous power supplies with enough capacitance to live through a cold winter, others much more modest.

What makes it a gainclone then? Is this spark a gainclone? Where in lies the "gain" magic?
""Looks like Audio Science Review trashes it, they worship at the alter of SINAD, so grain of salt maybe. Some other reviews seem to like it. ASR complains about the power supply, so maybe your 11 ohm speakers allow it to shine?""

:D indeed the ASR reviews are least worrisome. Almost as a rule, I find things I like or find interesting are sporting a decapitated panther on that page.