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Maya and the search for Audio Nirvana

I remember the day I became an Audiophile, Form 2 in 1971. At home all we had was an old mono gramophone with radio, and a record player for 78, 45 and 33 RPM

That day in school our music teacher had asked us to bring in our favourite records for review. I didn’t bring anything as I didn’t have any modern records, but others did.

I was blown away, not so much by what was being played but it was in STEREO, WOW and I have been on a journey of discovery ever since.

I’ve had AKAI, DCM Time Windows, LINN LP12, MUSICAL FIDELITY, HEYBROOK HB3, a Pro Audio system and home made Bipolar Transmission line speakers which lasted 20 years and of course Hughs original N55 and GK1

Now to this year and the MAYA.

My system now comprises of:

Roon and Tidal
Stack Audio LINK V1 USD bridge and Roon end point
Curious Evolved USB cable
Schiit BIFROST 2
Schiit Freya Plus
miniDSP Flex with Dirac 3
Interconnects all Audioquest Golden Gate
4 core Ubyte cable - DIY
Duevel Venus Omni Speakers

I’ve had the Stack Audio LINK for 3 years and see no need to upgrade, excellent product.

Everything else is new this year.

All upgrades have been an improvement, all adding to the experience in basically equal amounts except for 3 items which were all huge improvements.

The first is obviously the speakers. 360 degree omni’s are different and I love these, reports say the Venus has a rolled off top end, I don’t agree, its just not exaggerated, if its in the recording, they reproduce it. They also take at least 3 months to burn in.
The other major improvement was the Curious Evolved USB, totally blown away, it lifted a vail that I did not realise was there, like adding salt and chilli to your favourite dish, the seasoning to make the experience special.
And thirdly the MAYA. I will go over my notes from listening to different tracks which should convey my impression of this amazing amp.

Gary Numan - Betrayed off his latest album Intruder

At the start of the track there is a Male Choir singing, very faint and very short that I never heard when using the N55 but its distinct with the MAYA, I also never heard the Harpsichord as a Harpsichord before, just notes from something. Modern Heavy Metal extra fast Kick Drums are clean with lots of attack and distinctive every time they are being hit. The highs are open with lots of “Air”. Midrange and Vocals are perfect and the Drum Kit is 3 metres behind the vocals.

Van Morrison - Moondance

This is an old recording which everyone knows, but with the MAYA conducting the performance, the sound stage is 3D. The Drum Kit is way out the back, Piano half way between the Vocals and Drum kit and out to the side passed the wall. The Flute, Rhythm Guitar and Double Bass at the same depth and positioned along the width of the sound stage. Beautiful experience listening to this old favourite.

Agnes Obel - Brother Sparrow off Philharmonics, her first record

The Piano is in my living room right in-front of me, you can hear every hammer hitting the strings, the decay of every note. When the drums start you can hear every kick peddle hitting the drum skin. Perfection!

Patricia Barber - Nadis off Cafe Blue

The perfect track for attack, lots of soft passages, then wham…full noise. But it comes through with authority and the composure the recording requires, no distortion, no wall of sound mess, every instrument and note is discernible. A complete picture from simmering highs and the lowest of bass.

The HU - Totem Wolf off Gereg.

If you have never heard of this band, have a look on Youtube. Traditional Mongolian instruments, Throat Singing blended with the Heavy Metal of Metallica, Something special.

Up until now I have said nothing about the height of the performance. With this track, the Hawk at the beginning of the track is flying over head, I looked up the first time I listened to this with the MAYA. The track can come across as a wall of sound, but with the MAYA controlling the experience every instrument and singer has detail, rhythm and height, depth and width.

The MAYA is like a conductor of an orchestra. It totally controls the performance without making a fuss. It has perfect timing and takes nothing away. The performance on everything I throw at it would not be the same with a lesser amp.

As you can tell, I’m a Happy Camper and Hugh needs to be congratulated on designing this wonderful amp.

WOW, Mark, this is wonderful!! Thank you for the time and effort you put into this report!
I have a basic problem; I always think there is better in my products, perhaps I can improve them somehow.
I can remember looking over the Digikey list of very large, grunty mosfets and thinking, 'My God, these wonderful devices are getting quite inexpensive, I must try one.....'. I was told they would not work, and would need very special drivers. But the rest was the Maya...... which is now in its third version, and you have it.

You spend quite a bit of time on the spatial presentation of the amp, sometimes called 'holographic imaging'. 15 years ago I started examining this in detail, and built an AKSA with a tube in the feedback loop. I came to the conclusion that depth of image was a feedback issue. Eventually I confirmed that in prototypes, and now all my amps use a feedback trick to bring out the spatial cues in good recordings. Nelson Pass suggested depth is related to a phase angle of the second harmonic, -90 degrees. I think he is right; but that's the result of it, and you have to configure the feedback system to bring this out. I have attempted to bring light to spatial issues on this forum, but laughed out of town, which tells me I'm onto something..... in any event, it is one of the features which make my amps good, I believe.

Thank you Mark. I wish I lived near you in Cairns, I'd love to hear those speakers......


I now have the front panel finished. Still getting better with time. I've made a couple of changes to the system, I've removed the Freya plus and just using the miniDSP Flex as "analogue in" pre. I've added the pair of Yamaha DXS12 Subs low pass at 42hz and added a Curious Cable RCA from Bifrost 2 to miniDSP, another huge improvement, far more detail and I can get the same enjoyment from a lower listening level.


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I think you are getting to the limits of your system mark when you find big difference with cables. Speaker cables can have some influence, but I too find that preamp cables can make a big improvement, mostly resolution, as you say.
I have just sold a Maya to Dennis in South Australia, so we will wait to see his results, I suspect he has a very good speaker/source combo like you.


I woke up this morning and put YouTube on the TV and I stumbled upon a clip from about 6 years ago of The Voice Russia and Daria Stavrovich, the lead singer of SLOT singing ZOMBIE. It was the best version I have ever heard and very emotional.

So, I thought I would do an update on my system and where the Maya now sits in what I believe is my finished 2 channel stereo. I have finally reached Audio Nirvana.

The only piece that has survived this 2 year odyssey is the Original Stack Audio Link USB bridge but even it has been upgraded with The Stack Audio Volt power supply. Everything else is new:

Duevel Venus 360 omni speakers.
Adelaide Speaker designs 12 inch Subs, 2 units to fill in the very bottom.
Aurealis Litz 400 Speaker cable.

Stack Audio Link and Volt power supply
Chord M Scaler - supplied power supply
Chord Hugo 2 - Giessler fixed power supply

Rotel MICHI P5 pre
Maya Power

RCA All Curious Cables

Rega P8 with Denon 103R
Sutherland Engineering TZ Vide Trans-Impedance Phono Pre
The Rega and Sutherland will be arriving next week.

The last piece of the puzzle was the MICHI P5. I was in Brisbane in May for my sons wedding and went to a number of shops to audition a pre amp, both Solid State and Tube, and the Michi was the one that impressed me the most. I did not buy it for the Phone Pre or digital, I only auditioned it as a pre and it has brought the final magic to my system, beautiful airy treble, impactful mids and the bass is now tight with speed and timing. The sound stage is now deeper, wider and higher.

So how is the Maya performing now that everything else (Except for Vinyl) is in place. In a word, Beautifully. Every upgrade I have made the Maya just keeps on performing better as it seems to bring out the best of everything, not lacking in any way and definitely not holding anything back.

As I said in my first post here, it is like a conductor of an orchestra and as the individual players and instruments have been improved it has brought out the best that they have to offer. Again, Hugh has done a wonderful job designing this amp.

Wow Mark this is wonderful and thank you for the post!
I am trying to do a little marketing for the Titan at present and considering a new batch of Maya's - now in Version 4. I have sold many Maya's around 50 pairs at this point. The supply lines have mauled the MOSFET world and they are now more than twice the unit cost now.....
Stay well and thank you for a great post.

Lovely post, Mark!

The way you describe the Maya resonates a lot with me; the world-class conductor, who is always on top of things, even to the tiniest detail - but still prioritising the musicality above all.

I have also improved a lot things in my system over the last few years, but not once have I felt that my four Mayas (active system) were a limiting factor - quite the contrary, in fact. Every time I have improved something, the Mayas have just given me even greater joy without any quirks whatsoever 🎼🎹🎺🎻

@Hugh: Is the Maya IV going to happen? And if yes, what kind of improvements can we expect? I'm sure that customers really wanting a Maya will not be deterred by a slightly higher price - we all know that the electronic components market is somewhat out whack these days ...
Hi Jens,

YES, Mark IV is almost on us........
Until careful critical listening, I will hold off, however. This is a risk for me; I am trying to improve the impact and power of the bass, and very slightly reduce the noise levels. Evolution rather than revolution, I'm anxious to avoid any downsides of course. These are subtle, but I'm hoping it will come to pass, and I will let you know immediately I have the modules for full testing.

I really would love to hear Mark's system - but he is about 3000 kms north from Melbourne in tropical Cairns and it's a long trip! I have to take a deep breathe........


Happy 2024 to everyone.
Just before Xmas, Cyclone Jasper crossed the coast about 100km north of Cairns and we where basically washed away. My house is 75m above sea level so we where ok. Some roads and 1 major highway are still closed as well as a number of remote communities are still under repair and the locals can't go back to their homes.

Last night Cyclone Kirrily crossed the coast just north of Townsville, about 300km south of us. I haven't heard how they faired yet.

The joys of living in the "Wet Tropics".

I now think if finished with upgrading.
Since my last post I've added a Roksan Attessa CD transport. Excellent transport and yes it sounds differently to streaming, possibly better. I've also added "Audio Prinscipe" (Australian Company) 75ohm digital cables. CD to Chord M Scaler and Dual from M Scaler to Hugo 2. Again another upgrade in sound.
I've also added a Ferrum Hypsos power supply to the M Scaler. Back in the 80"s when digital first arrived and one compared the same track on Vinyl and CD, the CD was Ok but Vinyl was more relaxed and musical. The Hypsos powering the M Scaler has the same effect with more detail and a far wider and deeper soundstage. It really elevates the M Scaler and brings out its full potential.

Also the Rega P8, Denon 103R and Sutherland TZ Vide trans impedance phono have all been running for 6 months and the Denon has finally broken in. WOW, what a combination. Superb, Vinyl Rules!!!!!

As for the Maya, still conveying everything, amazing power amp.

Hugh, if you come up to Cairns later this year, please bring a pair of Maya IV modules with you. Not that my current system is lacking anything, but as you've made it better, I think it won't be silly not to get your new product in my system.

Happy Australia Day.


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