Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi


Moode Audio Player release 1.8 is available for download at :)

This release includes the new Playback panel with integrated playlist, support for more devices, performance improvements, individual toolbars for each panel, new theme colors, new radio stations and a variety of system configuration features that make the player easier to use.



1.8 Release 2015-04-29

New features

- NEW: Playback panel with integrated playlist
- NEW: Set Player and network media service names
- NEW: Set ALSA PCM volume level
- NEW: Select local timezone
- NEW: Choose Theme color from Customize popup
- NEW: Theme colors (Bluejeans, Fallenleaf, Grass, Herb, Lavender and Rose)


- NEW: Czech Radio Classical (FLAC)
- NEW: EuropaRadioJazz - 883 SmoothJazz
- NEW: EuropaRadioJazz - Smoothjazz HD Audiophile
- NEW: EuropaRadioJazz - TheSoundOfJazz


- UPD: Improve performance of Library for large collections
- UPD: Streamline layout of Sources, Network and System config pages
- UPD: Individual toolbars for each panel (Browse, Library and Playback)
- UPD: Userid and password fields on mount screen hidden when NFS selected
- UPD: Additional audio device descriptions (23 devices, 12 new)
- UPD: RaspyPlay4 added to I2S audio device selector
- UPD: Durio Sound PRO added to I2S audio device selector
- UPD: Add friendly names for DAC, ALSA and CODEC audio output on MPD config page
- UPD: Update old btn-cmd code in scripts-configuration.js
- UPD: Cover art default size increased to 600 x 600px
- UPD: Auto hide browser scrollbars on IE
- UPD: Add alias logo for NTS Live London radio station
- UPD: Mods to MiniDLNA conf file to enable functionality
- UPD: Add link in System config to MiniDLNA status page
- UPD: Add logic to handle metadata for UPnP song files

Bug fixes

- FIX: Incorrect metadata parsing for radio stations that do not transmit a name element
- FIX: Wrong selector id on "for=" for kernelver label on System config page
- FIX: System config page not updating certain form fields after selection change
- FIX: Toggle control for CMedia not working on System config page
- FIX: Left margin on playlist item <span> causing wrapping issue
- FIX: Html code in mpd config page



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Excellent ! Love the new Playback tab, a lot easier to switch between streams.
Everything seems a tad snappier too. :)

Took me (quite !) a while to find the 'save playlist' option (Top left arrow on the Playback tab..toggle Hide/show toolbar and the option is at the bottom of the page)

May I suggest that the default be "show" rather than "hide" :)
Once you know it is there it is easy to hide for a clean interface but if you don't know where it is to start then it can be hard to discover.

Starting to work on release 1.9 for end of May :)

Some items on the to-do list include the addition of some great new listener-supported, commercial-free radio stations, UPnP enhancements, streamlined theme changer internals, UI improvements and possibly some enhancements to MPD and SoX.



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and a quick 'save track info' from radio streams ? ;-)

for when you are working flat-out like a lizard drinking water and you hear something on a radio stream that you want to follow hitting a button on the attached keyboard saves the track info to a file...;-)

Can do something now by grabbing phone activating wifi, connecting with chrome and taking a screenshot.....pant-puff-pant... but some one button keyboard hit would be fantastic..!

In fact what about a keyboard-control file using xbindkeys as an option for control ???

No pressure..:D

Cheers Bob

I have never actually connected a keyboard to a Raspberry Pi.

But I do have a "Playback history" feature on the to-do-at-some-point list. It would log the metadata for each song that has been played plus a google search link for the song.

When the history list is displayed, clicking on the song would bring up a Google search results page, same as what appears currently when clicking on the cover art. There would also need to be an Enable/disable switch, Clear history and History viewer

This would allow you to browse through the playback history at your leisure :)

How about something like that?

Hello TC,
Since using the RPi1 with the Wolfson Audio with the patch provided by Georg Mill ( card to play music in Moode with great success, I have obtained a RPi2 with Cirrus Logic Card, however I am unable to obtain a similar, fine, clear and concise patch to use Moode.
It would be great if you could direct bloggers to such a similar patch to use Moode with the RPi2 and CL card.
Thank you.
Hello TC,
Since using the RPi1 with the Wolfson Audio with the patch provided by Georg Mill ( card to play music in Moode with great success, I have obtained a RPi2 with Cirrus Logic Card, however I am unable to obtain a similar, fine, clear and concise patch to use Moode.
It would be great if you could direct bloggers to such a similar patch to use Moode with the RPi2 and CL card.
Thank you.


Nice to hear that u were able to successfully apply Georg's excellent kernel hack that enables Wolfson card.

R u using latest Moode 1.8 ?

Regarding Pi 2B and CL card, it appears that a kernel hack is not available. The page below has a link to a 3.18.9 test kernel containing the overlay for the CL card.

I downloaded it and the README.txt states:

"THIS WON't WORK FOR Raspbery Pi 2! I do not own such a device. If you want that, feel free to send me a RPI2 and you'll get the precompiled kernel for it ;-)"

If someone sends him a Pi2B and he makes a kernel, then I can probably integrate it directly into Moode System config as a swappable kernel. The download seems to have the pieces that I need to do this :)

According to this article, the goal is to have the drivers integrated into the next official 3.18.x kernel. When will that kernel be released...hopefully soon!
Cirrus Logic Audio Card ... | element14

Timestamp yes. The format of history entries would probably be like below. If the list gets long a search feature might be needed.


2015-05-08 11:01PM You Call It Madness, Diana Krall, All For You: A Dedication To The Nat King Cole Trio
2015-05-08 11:06PM Aphex Twin - Stone In Focus (Saw II Vinyl Only Track), Radio Station, Drone Zone [SomaFM]

I tried 7-Zip on Windows using deflate64 and Ultra compression which took around 30 minutes and only got about 7% smaller (around 475MB).

I also analyzed the image for space hogs and did not find anything unusual.


Hey Tim, after a bunch of days spent comparing Rune, Volumio, Musicbox, and with a fresh month's download allowance burning a hole in my pocket, I've bitten the bullet and am downloading as we speak :)

A fresh new set of HiFiBerry DAC+ and AMP+ are winging their way from Switzerland and should meet my Raspberry Pi 2's somewhere over the south china sea...

Looking forward to knocking it all in shape.

Thanks for your efforts. Much appreciated.
Got it in and running - but can't find any way to add new radio stations.

Any chance of integrating something like Tune-in?

EDIT: found out where to add stations - but can't add anything from the BBC.. :(


Let me know which BBC stations from the list below that you would like and I'll add them w/logo's for release 1.9 :) In the meantime, I'll fish out the direct streaming url's and post the list back so u can add the stations yourself and start listening. This will take a bit of time to complete.

The url's will be for the fallback 128 mbps MP3 format streams and not the new HLS format streams. The fallback MP3 streams "should be good" for a few years until BBC, at their discretion, decides to decommission them and only provide HLS format streams.

Note: MPD versions beginning with 0.19.2 in theory support HLS format (m3u8 file suffix). Moode uses 0.19.1 so at some point I'll make a new version and among other things, test HLS playback :)


01 BBC Asian Network (West Midlands)
02 BBC Coventry & Warwickshire
03 BBC Essex (FM)
04 BBC Hereford & Worcester
05 BBC London 94.9 (FM)
06 BBC Newcastle
07 BBC Radio 1 (England)
08 BBC 1Xtra
09 BBC Radio 2
10 BBC Radio 3
11 BBC Radio 4
12 BBC Radio 4 (LW)
13 BBC Radio 4 Extra
14 BBC 5 live
15 BBC 5 live sports extra
16 BBC 6 Music
17 BBC Radio Berkshire
18 BBC Radio Bristol
19 BBC Radio Cambridgeshire (Cambridge FM)
20 BBC Radio Cornwall
21 BBC Radio Cumbria (FM)
22 BBC Radio Cymru (South Wales)
23 BBC Radio Derby (FM)
24 BBC Radio Devon (County FM)
25 BBC Radio Foyle (FM)
26 BBC Radio Gloucestershire
27 BBC Radio Guernsey
28 BBC Radio Humberside (FM)
29 BBC Radio Jersey (FM)
30 BBC Radio Kent (FM)
31 BBC Radio Lancashire (FM)
32 BBC Radio Leeds (FM/DAB)
33 BBC Radio Leicester
34 BBC Radio Lincolnshire
35 BBC Radio Manchester (DAB)
36 BBC Radio Merseyside (FM)
37 BBC Radio nan Gàidheal
38 BBC Radio Norfolk
39 BBC Radio Northampton
40 BBC Radio Nottingham
41 BBC Radio Oxford
42 BBC Radio Scotland (Network FM)
43 BBC Radio Scotland (MW)
44 BBC Radio Sheffield
45 BBC Radio Shropshire
46 BBC Radio Solent (Hampshire & East Dorset)
47 BBC Radio Stoke (FM)
48 BBC Radio Suffolk
49 BBC Radio Ulster (FM)
50 BBC Radio Wales (North Wales FM/DAB)
51 BBC Radio York (York FM)
52 BBC Somerset
53 BBC Surrey
54 BBC Sussex
55 BBC Tees
56 BBC Three Counties Radio
57 BBC Wiltshire (County)
59 BBC World Service
BBC 1, 2, 4 & 6 Music, please :)

You're a star!

Even without a DAC, it was noticeably louder and better-sounding than Volumio

And a much better interface than MusicBox.

I am really looking forward to the arrival of new Pi 2's and Hifiberry bits to really give it a proper test.

My son in the UK is just getting into quality hifi and I have recommended the same setup to him.

Now, what to do with that old Apple Airport? Print server, prolly.
BBC 1, 2, 4 & 6 Music, please :)

You're a star!

Even without a DAC, it was noticeably louder and better-sounding than Volumio

And a much better interface than MusicBox.

I am really looking forward to the arrival of new Pi 2's and Hifiberry bits to really give it a proper test.

My son in the UK is just getting into quality hifi and I have recommended the same setup to him.

Now, what to do with that old Apple Airport? Print server, prolly.


Thanks for the nice compliment. Much appreciated!

The direct streaming URL's are below as well as a preview of what the hi-res logos will look like :)

Remove the double quotes before pasting into the Create Radio Station dialog.





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You, Mr Curtis, are a total b'tard.

I've done sod all except play around with Moode for days now. The wife says I smell and the cats give me dirty looks while dragging their food bowls around behind them... I think they are dropping hints but I can't hear their whining, so I'm not sure. Still, I've lost nearly a stone- although my hair has gone a funny colour and I think I am stuck to the couch.

But... there be bugs - where do I let you know of them?