Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Read the build guide for protodac on GitHub. It says 5v either from gpio or external supply.

The build guide is excellent, it explains component choices and should make constructing a protodac pretty straightforward.
the tda1387 chip can take 3-5,5V ... i think the only problem is that i have to adjust the output stage resistor for 3.3V (and the output level might be different then) instead of 5V

Now the Volume knob can be in-sync with the digital volume on the browser. This is something I've been playing with. Basically its a modified version of converted to python that talks to an attached arduino. A S1123 servo is attached to the Arduino. This servo is special cause it has a fourth wire where the arduino can read its position (read the value of the built in POT)
So if you change the volume in the web interface the physical servo turns accordingly. If you turn the servo the volume in moode is adjusted. I tuned it to my servo and made an attempt at a calibration process on initial power up. Feel free to criticize or suggest changes.
Thats cool.

Couple suggestions:

(1) Attach an Open Source license (GPLv3, MIT, etc) to the code in your Git repo if you want others to be able to freely use, modify, redistribute, etc., otherwise without a license, default copyright laws apply which means that no one can copy, redistribute or create derivatives.
(2) Maybe attach some pics and links to the parts
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Suddenly my extrenal HDMI touch screen doesn't show the moode enviroment. Does anyone some solution please?


  • IMG_20231011_195024_824.png
    1.6 MB · Views: 96
Hi all,
Looking at the screenshot it looks like a software problem (it is a Chrome message) so logical and phisical connections are ok (did you see on the screen all the raspberry boot procedure messages before that white screen?)
Do you have created the microSD with the "raspberry imager", as per the security procedure?
It "YES" please go to the moode forum and open a thread with your issue, because a deeper analisys is needed.
Best regards,
@anounaki and @atlantageek,
since some release moOde has introduced the Raspberry security procedure(for improved security the OS image does not contain the userid pi, SSH service, WiFi SSID or Access Point password), for a correct setup of the system you have to use the raspberry imager to prepare the microSD: the instructions are reported at the following link:

set up procedure

Would you please be so kind to follow that (if you did not yet) and report the results?
Best regards and thanks,
I have a Pi Zero-W with a Justboom DAC HAT Zero on it that makes some clicking/crackling sounds. The music doesn't lag, skip, or anything, but there is this background noise whether the music is playing or not. Usually it's not an issue except on softer music like classical. I've been living with it for a while now, but wonder if there's a fix. I've been using bluetooth to stream from my PC (itunes) to the Pi which feeds into a headphone amp at work. I've read this is possibly and issue with the wifi and BT frequencies interfering with each other, but I need wifi to access the Moode GUI and BT to send the music from the PC. I'm Pi illiterate FWIW. Any suggestions?

I've attached an audio recording of the noise.

Moode Pi ZeroW JustBoom DACHAT