Seeking input from members Review of enhanced print thread functionality

We are seeking further input on this issue from the membership
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We'll be improving the enhanced thread print function (a donation only feature) in the future.

To be sure we create a tool that does exactly what it needs to, we'd like to know how YOU use this feature currently.

Do you actually print?
Do you save it for reference and look at the file offline later?
What's important to be in there, and what's important to not be in there (eg: text or flourish that serves no information purpose but would consume ink if printed)?
Options for turning images on or off?

Right now we're not sure what's important to you. Please let us know :)
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Joined 2010
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Hi Jason,

I do not use the function for printing, unless I really need it.
I do save the threads for future use as I am a slow builder, and I would not like to lose the threads if the system crashed.
What is important to me is the authors name, the date, the text in the thread, and the images/attachments.

In the old ETP: I would highlight as many threads as possible until I encountered an image. I would then copy all the text to a word document, which I would edit to my satisfaction at a later date, removing all the garnish and only keeping relevant information. The image, if I wanted to save it I would,and then copy to the word document.

In the new system as it is : I highlight and copy the threads and paste to a word document as above until I encounter an image. When I want to edit at a later date, I then have to delete all the profile info ie: capital letter, the avatar, the member word, the paid member, any other items that take up line space ( a pain to do for every thread), otherwise the word document becomes excessively long. The images: I open them and save the same as I used to. I like the image format.

I would be happy to just save the author, the date, text, and images without having to edit out all the author profile information included at the present time. No matter what, editing is a time consuming job.

I also liked the amount of threads per page when viewing in the old ETP system, and you always knew what page you were on because it was highlighted.

I hope this helps a bit, as you guys are doing a great job.


I do save the threads for future use.
This is the only way known to me to have all images being shown w/o any need to click on them image by image; used frequently whenever differences in plots aare shown,,,
What is important to me is the authors name, the date, the post #, the text in the thread, and the images/attachments.
Thx, Ulli
Joined 2010
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Jason, I have been coping and pasting from a thread. I have noticed that a lot of images were not transferred over in the change to the new system. Some of the images show as small cored box with attached text. Not sure if these images are lost or could be recovered.

Joined 2000
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Thanks for everyone's feedback. It will all be taken into consideration when we improve the EPT functionality. I think it's clear how many people use threads as a technical reference, this is relatively unique among forums, and the tool needs to be tailored towards that.

Jason, I have been coping and pasting from a thread. I have noticed that a lot of images were not transferred over in the change to the new system. Some of the images show as small cored box with attached text. Not sure if these images are lost or could be recovered.

I'm not aware of any images or broken links that are not now working that were working pre-migration. If there are any broken images please post them here:
Is the improved enhanced print thread feature still forthcoming? I used to rely on this to search through and read threads with dozens to hundreds of pages. I would use it many times and sometimes print the entire thread to a PDF although never to paper. Now when I try to print even a thread as relatively small as B1 with Korg Triode I get the message "Sorry, this thread is too long to be printed" but it is exactly the long threads that I need this function for.
We'll be improving the enhanced thread print function (a donation only feature) in the future.

To be sure we create a tool that does exactly what it needs to, we'd like to know how YOU use this feature currently.

Do you actually print?

yes, to PDF
Do you save it for reference and look at the file offline later?

See above, print to PDF. Many threads have so much good information they're like the build threads at GroupDIY, or reference manuals even.
What's important to be in there, and what's important to not be in there (eg: text or flourish that serves no information purpose but would consume ink if printed)?

The ability to print threads.
Options for turning images on or off?

That would be great, as in the past images didn't print. Something like a "fit to page" on images option would be awesome.
Right now we're not sure what's important to you. Please let us know :)


Joined 2003
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If you have any requests - please post them here.
even a thread as relatively small as B1 with Korg Triode I get the message "Sorry, this thread is too long to be printed" but it is exactly the long threads that I need this function for.
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"Oops! We ran into some problems.
"Sorry, this thread is too long to be printed"
Joined 2004
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Jason, thank you for asking.
Yes I do print 🫢. My daughter calls me « old hardware »…. « View entire thread » was a favorite of mine. I would only print the pages of interest though.

Please, a new feature I would definitely use is printing a range of posts specified by start and end Post numbers. Otherwise one must search what page the desired posts land on, and accept that the post starting the exchange of interest appears anywhere (often at the bottom) on the first printed page.
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Hard to edit a pdf if you do not have a suite of Adobe products. I find it better to copy and paste to a Word doc. Have been doing this for a long time. I then keep the author's name, the date, and the text and images. That's it for me. For long threads I set up other word doc's to cover things like power supplies, general build info, attenuators, etc. Whatever it takes to organize into easier access at a later date.
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I use the print to display the whole thread to search it (ctrl + F). I'm now noticing this doesn't work on large threads. How does one search a large thread? Its the large threads where this matters most. Without this, it's very frustrating if you remember a detail mentioned in a large thread and need to look it up. Without a way to search this whole thread, this hunt become agonizingly long.
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@jackinnj, that is sort of what I do at the present. I copy and paste page by page, and then edit out the "chaff" ( member status, bookmark,etc) only keeping the author's name, post date, and post # and the posts I want to keep. I edit out the thank you's and irrelevant posts.

I like to have the magnified images, so that takes a little bit more time and patience. I have been doing this for years as I am a slow builder and would hate to lose all this knowledge from builders when it comes time for me to use it. I keep all the threads that I have bought parts for and plan to build in my " watched threads list ". Work's so far.

I try to save the entire saved word doc's into separate word doc categories area's such as PS, build info and pics, theory, etc.

Lot's of hours spent on this.