Woodworking CAD Software - Speaker Design

DesignSpark Mechanical, Siemens Solid Edge, FreeCAD, Blender, TinkerCAD.

I used Autodesk Fusion 360, but will no longer use their products going forward. There is some discussion elsewhere elaborating about the ongoing spyware charade, shutting down perpetual licenses from years ago and forcing users into the newer subscription model with the newly increased price. I will just say that I’ve never seen something snoop a harddrive so deep.
I really appreciate. I am just getting back into electronics-HiFi after a sad absence. I totally forgot the joy of all of this and the modern approach is fantastic and this site is just great. I built my solid state radio in 1970, first value tube radio and speaker enclosures etc the year after and then solid-state guitar and HiFi amplifies in 74+ and tried to turn this into a business. Oh how the technology has evolved - but still stayed much the same. Now its time to really get back into this. I have an exceptional cabinetmaker so can initially at least avoid the sawdust.
DesignSpark Mechanical, Siemens Solid Edge, FreeCAD, Blender, TinkerCAD.

I've downloaded Siemens Solid Edge yesterday and I'm battling to even get started, and I'm used to CAD, having been a draftsman in a previous life.

I found Sketchup Make 2017 fairly easy to learn. I looked at Solid Edge because it's good at doing sheet metal work - something that the free Sketchup version can't do. Drawing speaker enclosures should be fairly easy with Sketchup.

There is a Sketchup file in the Karlsonator thread in post #3,342 that you can have a look at.


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