A surprisingly good alternative for the Jordan JX92s...

...is the SB Acoustics SB15NBAC30.
I've been listening to the Jordan JX92s in VTL cabinets daily for well over decade in my bedroom system, I know their strengths and weaknesses.
I was given a pair of the SB15NBAC30-8 a couple of months ago and I build some test cabinets to hear what I'm dealing with, after some "massaging" for a few hours it took me less than three minutes to decide to explore their potential as Full Range drivers.
A number of test cabinets later from 7lt Bass Reflex monitors to 12lt Bass Reflex slim floorstandesr I end up putting them finally in the Jordan VTL as I liked the overall Bass quality of the VTL more.

These sound like the Jordan JX92s on (a double dose of) steroids.
Album after album they never fail to deliver and tracks like "Angel" from "Massive Attack" or "LaHabanera" from "Yello" (which are a definite "no-no" for the JX92s) go up to window and door rattling levels in my small 12sq/mt bedroom without breaking a sweat or loose their composure.

At just 170euros delivered for a pair these are a steal, they are 1/3 the price of the current accepted JX92s alternative, EAD E100HDMKII and 1/5 the price of the ridiculously expensive Jordan Eikona, which I've heard and not impressed, at all.

If you decide to build a pair, depending on your room size, speaker placement and preference you might want to add a Baffle Step Compensation Circuit, details below are for VTL 30cm baffle width (380Hz).


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Uhm, it seems that the SB is classified as a midwoofer.
The treble might seems acceptable but in the long run it's just "ringing".
I know it may break ( liteally, the frequencies has to be stopped) the full-range simplicity but I encourage you to investigate further
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Uhm, I know that the SB15NBAC30 is classified as a midwoofer, but, both the JX92s and the EAD E100HD are also "ringing", there's no other way around it if you want to reproduce the top two octaves.
But listening to JX92s and the SB15NBAC30 side by side I can tell you that the treble region is much more "enjoyable" with the SB15NBAC30 and it's easy to see why, the first major high frequency peak (ringing) is at 12kHz for the SB15NBAC30 but at 6-7kHz for the Jordan and EAD.
The Eikona drops like a stone after 11kHz or so.
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And my 7.5" MW19TX-8 is flatter higher than all my fullrange drivers -- yet sound improved crossed with TW29R-4 series-first-order at 1.9khz, tweeter back-offset by 32mm.

A few years ago I tried briefly "Griffenjord" JX92S alone and with GS2i in a too-cheap cab (sorry). Sounded to me kind of strait-laced old-fashioned despite the extended frequency response. I heard (then observed in the published chart as well as Mr. Griffen's writeup) a slight dip around 1khz; maybe that was it and were I to try again I'd mod the response.
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