Easy way to get audio from Wwindows into a separate Ubuntu PC running CamillaDSP

For years I have been using Foobar2000 on Windows 10/11 into Cantabile. This host several VSTs, to work as a 4 way crossover / DSP.
The audio then goes over USB into my 8 channel DAC, followed by nice hypex modules to drive my DIY speakers and 2 subs.
I love Foobar2000 and use Windows for my work, so I would like to have this stay my primary PC, and the way to play audio.

But I would like to offload this audo processing to a separate laptop running CamillaDSP on Ununtu or Debian. To try, for fun, to tincker.
No problem, I figured.

But then I got stuck: how do I get the audio from the windows PC into the CamillaDSP laptop?
The laptop does not have a digital audio input. Does anyone know of a software solution? Eg to run the audio over ethernet somehow.

Of course there is Dante. The AudioOverIP stuff seems much too complicated and expensive for my use case.
I also came across SonoBus, which is available for windows and Linux. It is open source, which I like, but is looks more geared towards multi-user cases and don't know if it will connect to CamillaDSP (I'm a complete Linux-noob).

But there must be a simple (and cheaper!) solution I'm overlooking?
Your ideas would be appreciated!

Btw: does Ubuntu natively support a USB XMOS UAC2 DAC? Or does it need drivers?
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@CharkieLaub, thank you for looking into it!
The poster has Ubuntu on his main pc though. I have to use Windows for work on mine.
Maybe Pulseaudio would work under WSL linux subsystem in W11, but I'm not versed enough in Linux/Ubuntu to troubleshoot the inevitable problems.
@marcelooms If you are looking for keywords to search, try RTP streaming. There are programs like FFMpeg that can do this under Windows:
I have had success before using FFmpeg and DirectShow capture to get Windows audio and stream it. Then I used VLC on the RX computer end to receive the stream. Going the software route would take some work to get it up and running and learn about these programs, etc. It sounds like you are seeking something that is more "plug and play" for the connection between the two computers.

If your Windows box has SPDIF output you could purchase a USB SPDIF receiver from Amazon like one of these:
that is advertised as plug and play under Linux. It is capable of 48k/16-bit max digital audio. You would need to run an SPDIF toslink line between the two computers, but this might be a simple solution for you.
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@phofman Are the Windows-side gadget issues fixed now??? I have to admit it has been a while since I have looked into it, and at the time it seemed that the Windows devs were not taking up the issue to do anything about it. Everything was working well between Linux machines, but IIRC the gadget (e.g. Pi) could only operate in at one fixed sample rate and possible bit depth when interfacing with Windows. Has that been resolved now?

If the Windows issues are fixed it would be fun to do some experimenting with the Pi5 or a mini PC as a USB gadget DSP DAC/crossover.
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IIRC the gadget (e.g. Pi) could only operate in at one fixed sample rate
Since 5.18 the gadget can offer multiple samplerates, as configured. Since the feature follows standard UAC2, it works fine in windows too.
and possible bit depth when interfacing with Windows.
The gadget does not implement multiple altsets yet, and offers only one bit depth, as configured, to any OS. Multiple altsets have been discussed recently, will take a while to implement https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAB0kiB.../T/#m8b40ff8ce53fe701a1fe6a76c119a1438b45037f
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