Sunvalley SV-S1645 - 45 Tube Amp - Available NOW

Even without the tubes the Sunvalley SV-S1635D is a thing of beauty!


My 45s arrive Monday so I am going to have to content myself with going into the family room and looking at the amplifier all this weekend.

Monday the fun begins.

Victor ensured I saw all the DHL updates as the amplifier made its way to me and followed up with a phone call when it was delivered. As anyone knows who has dealt with Victor, his service and attention to detail is second to none.

But even more importantly, he truly cares about each and every customer and product he sells. As someone much smarter than me once said, "No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care".

Many thanks, Victor!

Steve Z
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One of the first things I did was tip the amp up on its side so I could look through the slots in the bottom panel. As Victor so rightly points out, it is a work of art in three dimensions.

I'm no stranger to building electronic devices (I'm currently assembling an Ele-kit TU-8900 and going slowly as I enjoy the zen of process); the level of craftsmanship demonstrated by the Sunvalley assemblers sets the bar very high indeed.

Steve Z
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Tubes arrived earlier than expected.

IMG_2257 copy.jpeg

So time to get busy! For burn-in I'm using a nice NOS RCA 5U4G, a pair of NOS Toshiba black long plate 12AU7 labeled for Baldwin Organ, and a NOS early 50's RCA black plate 12AT7.


Even with essentially no hours on the Sunvalley other than factory quality checks and the same on the Emission Labs solid plate 45s, the sound is absolutely magical. I want to sit down and listen for hours and hours. And I will once the outside chores are done for the day.

I couldn't be more pleased. This very modestly priced amplifier embarrasses some very expensive amps I've had in my home in terms of sheer emotional involvement and desire to immerse myself in the flow of music.

Thank you very much Victor for bringing this amplifier to fruition.

Steve Z
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Victor, had two friends from the Orange County Audio Society, California over to listen to the 45 amp you sent after a good burn in.
Using: Tested on Altec 755A in Ported 18mm hard wood with stuffing and rear port on 24 in stands toe-in from room corners. H-W-D 16x10x14.5
Rect: Sophia Aqua 11-- 274B
VA/Driver 5751 Sylvania triple mica

Drivers: 12 BH7/2 TungSol (us) more laid back sound
12AU7's/2 Telefunken More up front-bold sound which most liked

Both tubes work in this circuit.

Output: RCA ST 45's/2 ok good sound

CX-345 Balloon Cunningham---more musical (preferred)

Good tight bass and extended highs---best amp--truly the 45 a great tube sound. Magic on Altec 755A's The price is a bargain and I know will increase!
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Speaking of tubes for the SV-S1645D. Mr. Otashi says the amp is fine with the 46 tube with the appropriate adapter (grid 2 of the 46 needs to be tied to the plate). My UX5 to UX4 adapter arrived yesterday, and though it is still early days, I've really liked what I am hearing with some NOS 46 tubes:




What does the 46 sound like compared to the 45? Well, bearing in mind it's still early I think it preserves all the emotional involvement, extension and clarity of the 45 and adds some more wonderful mid-range liquidity and texture. I've been playing every female vocalist I can think of -- from Billie Holiday to Janelle Monae, Ella Fitzgerald to FKA Twigs -- and they are all in the room and singing to me!

The longer I live with the SV-S1645D the more I am in love with it -- it's a magical amplifier with the right speakers.

Steve Z
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I'd also offer the observation that so far at least, I'm not hearing large differences in sound quality between the different 46 tube labels.

Which isn't surprising because almost all have the RCA octagon logo on the bottles. There are a few differences in the top micas between some tubes. There are what I call "cross shaped" micas like Victor's last photo, above. And there are also oval and circular top micas. All in tubes with the RCA logo regardless of the logo on the bases. The "cross" top micas are the most common.

I haven't tried any globe 46s but they are significantly more expensive than the more common ST bottles.


Steve Z
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