Monsoon Planar Media 9 Audio System .Speaker Replacement

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appreciate you willingness to help; however it appears that the cable is available however when you trace the cable to the control center it appears to be soldered into the board; so leads to the question how does one use a different cable to connect?

We're going to have to break out the soldering iron - either to replace the connector in the PCB or splice the cable.

Alternatively one could theoretically get the individual cable crimps out of the connector soldered to the PCB. I think that path would lead to madness.
black chassis earth
brown 9V in
red audio earth
orange from amp 1
yellow from amp 2
green bass out
blue to amp 1
white to amp 2
black mute out (high=on)

The little IC appears to be a dual power opamp to drive the headphones, which is also what most of the electrolitic caps are for.

L+R -> bass mixing happens here but low pass/high pass filtering appears not to happen here.
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An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Ring - chassis earth

It looks like wire colour code matches pin number for the remaining signals. My probes are too large and my fingers not steady enough to be sure - I need to find a dead apple to get a female socket to test properly.

Sorry - completely back to front. Pin 1 appears to be attached to black-next-to-white down to pin 8 on brown.
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My turn to ask for controller

Don't know. Regular paying jobs 1st.


I have lost the controller to my Planar 9 set. Do you still have the controller? I tossed it by accident as it was needing some soldering- the DIN plug remained in the sub but not the wires not-so-much... sound familiar?

Been trying to figure out what to do for 3 years and finally getting around to trouble-shooting (spelled g-o-o-g-l-e)

BTW I am over at 604...

Joined 2001
Paid Member
I have lost the controller to my Planar 9 set. Do you still have the controller? I tossed it by accident as it was needing some soldering- the DIN plug remained in the sub but not the wires not-so-much... sound familiar?

99% of failures. Best fix is to hardwire the controller to the board (no i don't know the pin-out). I have a queue of people waiting for me to check out the controllers i have.

BTW I am over at 604...

Over in Canada eh? You should think about traveling over to the VI Republic for diyFEST next August :D

I visit here often but seldom post. I'm curious as to whether anyone might be interested in a new/unused model 9 set. I'm not selling it yet but if I do I promise to put it in the classifieds here. How much should I ask for it? BTW, I have two model 9 sets that I've enjoyed for years without any serious problems.

Oh... and I have socks plugging the ports. I like them better sealed.
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Monsoon power issues

Hello, I'm Al and I stumbled across this forum by accident and I love it. A great source of info on all things audio.

I too have the Monsoon Planar Media 9 system and the problem I'm having is as follows: When I power them on, after a minute or so the power and power LED starts to fade away until the unit is off. By accident, I discovered that if I bump the sub-woofer, or lift it 1/2 inch or so and drop it flat, the power returns for a bit. Then the issue starts all over again and eventually they never power on again until a few hours later. I opened the system to see if there was anything obvious and the only thing I found strange is that the white plastic plug from the transformer has a small burn mark on the side closest to the center. The fuse is OK and everything else seems normal. So, could anyone please give me ANY idea as to why/how bumping or dropping the enclosure could bring it back to life? What component could be sensitive to vibration? Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance.


PS: I attached a pic of the plug and you can see the burn mark


  • Monsoon Transformer Plug.jpg
    Monsoon Transformer Plug.jpg
    212.6 KB · Views: 145
Joined 2007
Paid Member
Is it a burn mark, or is it discolouration due to dirt/pollutant attraction to the white plastic. Hard in a picture to get the "full picture".

If its burning then the plug should be snipped off, the socket removed and the leads safely hard wired to the PCB.
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