100W Ultimate Fidelity Amplifier


  • MM MC izgled jpg.JPG
    MM MC izgled jpg.JPG
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  • MM MC bakar gledan kroz pločicu sa strane elemenata.pdf
    65.7 KB · Views: 227
  • MM MC raspored elemenata.pdf
    86.2 KB · Views: 193
I love seeing new designs from Apex that still need to be tested and modified. There is nothing better than getting to be a part of designing new amplifiers. I never post mine , but I will some day. Cant wait to see another simple yet different class A!!! Thanks Mile!

Reminds me a bit of some of the old 1980's Maplin stuff where the parts lists were occasionally wrong and you had to work what a component should be when it didn't work.
R8 is clearly wrong in first sch as that would give a gain of 1.
Hello guys I need to let you know that I'm not gonna give files anymore from any Apex designs yes I did copy the art work for my own purpose of using them to learn and build a few amps designs that are really good but "I'm not a supplier of Sprint Layout 6 files" please use only the new designs or old designs use original files from the orginal designers example Mr. Alex MM or Willy and other great designers here who design them not me, now I learn that a degree of errors can be double if the designs is copied and something might be missing or have a wrong info please don't ask me for files use only from the original designers here are great design use them I think I learn a lot and I really apreciateall the colaboration of the layout designers here thank you so much and Merry Christmas!

Best Regards
Juan Sir it's mean u cannot help to make apex for beginners

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"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

as it was said,the best thing for you is to learn how to use sprint6 or other similar programme. that way you can do everything without asking anybody.