Amp Camp Amp #1

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I just wanted to say thank you. I bought the PCBs; I should have gotten the complete kit as it really is a good deal and everything would have shown at once. But on the plus side I'm like a little kid waiting for each of the components to show up; racing to the mailbox after work. This is so much fun.
I built the camp amp but modified it asking Lateral MOSFETS I had from an audio consulting job to design a 200 Watt MOSFET amp.
I used a BC337-40 as a buffer.
Why - as the Base Emitter voltage is 0.6 volts and does not drift with temperature.
A simple 20 volt laptop supply and as a Heatsink a CUP cooler plus an ultra quiet fan.
No trimpots to mess around with.
Through a 30 year old - but now very trendy looking speaker box with a 10" speaker a 5" midbass and believe it or not. Two of those lovely 2" inverted dome mini 'woofers' to serve as upper miss and tweeters. Wow a mere 5 Watts of pure class A! If there is interest I will start a new thread with photos and schematics9
ACA 1.1 was shown at Burning Amp, and here is my parts list (as C1 & C2 are no longer available on Digikey)

Part names quantity value power/volt rating Digikey # Price @ Price 1 board
R1, R2 2 0.47 3W 5.00% P0.47W-3BK-ND 0.49 0.98
R3, R4 2 0.68 3W 5.00% P0.68W-3BK-ND 0.49 0.98
R5, R6 2 100 .4W 1.00% PPC100YCT-ND 0.13 0.26
R7, R11, R13 3 10k .4W 1.00% PPC10.0KYCT-ND 0.13 0.39
R8, R9, R14 3 1k .4W 1.00% PPC1.00KYCT-ND 0.13 0.39
R10 1 332K .4W 1.00% PPC332KYCT-ND 0.13 0.13
R12 1 68.1K .4W 1.00% PPC68.1KYCT-ND 0.13 0.13
R15 1 2.21K .4W 1.00% PPC2.21KYCT-ND 0.13 0.13
C1 1 3300uF 35v 20.00% 493-6141-ND 2.46 2.46
C2 1 1000uF 16v 20.00% P5533-ND 0.62 0.62
C3, C4 2 10uF 25v 20.00% 604-1050-ND 0.31 0.62

total for 1 board -> 7.09 plus LED of your choice, shipping and tax (remember you need two sets)

C1 is a Nichicon, C2 is an alternate Panasonic
Grrrr. I forgot to check my notes from NP's talk before ordering my parts. R12 changed to 68.1k to 39.2k. If you got the wrong part (or have an ACA that's already build and you want to try the new value), you can get close by putting a 100k in parallel, for a total of 40.5k, or about 3.3% high on the value. Obviously, the proper solution is to replace it at your earliest convenience, but in the mean-time, this hack might help you decide if it's worth taking it completely apart.
Any sneak peek (maybe a blurred view) of the new board?

Sure... but it's not terribly blurry...
The blue scribble over the AMP in AMP CAMP 1.1 (lower left corner) is to help me keep track of the blue board vs the red board. The MOSFETs are about in their proper place on a 2Ux300mm heatsink (orig. ACA boxen used a 2U200mm heat sink) and numbered to keep track of parameters. The white block on the right is a 3D printed part that fits in the gap between the fins and will allow me to put a hole precisely in the proper place (for mounting the MOSFETs). The board will be mounted on the base-plate.

300mm x 80mm of 40mm fins is probably overkill for the ACA, but if it's worth doing... it's worth overdoing!

Please note that these were going at fire-sale prices (appropriate for Burning Amp, right?) because they were going to do another turnaround on the layout before being offered as a product, so the "official" version (v1.2 perhaps?) may look different.


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Thanks, is there a red board too...schematics?

Not sure about a red board (I call one the red board and the other the blue board (rather than naming them) just to keep track of parts, values and tolerances, as both are identical green circuit boards), but there appears to be more than one board layout bearing the ACA 1.1 moniker, so who knows. The photo is of the ACA 1.1 which I got at Burning Amp 2017, about a month ago.

The schematic for the ACA 1.1 (as presented at Burning Amp 2017) can be found here:
Burning Amp 2017 Updates Thread
Look at the second image in post 65, complete with the person of Nelson Pass pointing at the screen/schematic
Hope that helps.

If you were interested in ACA 2.0 (or ACA, the next generation, or whatever they decide to call it), see post 15 in this thread:
Questions about amp camp amp and linear power supply

Happy hunting/building!
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