clean a marantz switch

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hello there

I need to clean a selector switch on my amp and the main volume pot. I am planning on using CRC QD(quick dry) spray contact cleaner.

I am not 100% sure where to spray the cleaner, I have highlighted potential holes to spray in a few pictures below. and I think a white plastic cover that needs to be taken off too?

If someone could offer advice that would be great.

I have attached 5 pics below:

thanks : )

volume pot >>

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.


An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Thank you.
Looks like you need to watch some of Marks videos on restoring Marantz receivers and amplifiers . YouTube (Blue Glow Electronics) he has several videos on restoring Marantz products and using Deoxit 5 ( )for cleaning switches.
Also on YouTube watch ( xraytonyb ) heavily into restorations of old amplifiers and receivers. Another to mention on YouTube ( 12voltvids )
After watching their videos you’ll probably want to go back and dig into your Marantz a little more and replace more parts . I did and I finally did a full complete restoration and the improvement and sound quality was very noticeable . It was my very first receiver tear down and restoration of components I ever did turned out beautiful .
I don't use 'contact cleaner' on any rotary controls like volume balance tone. It will accelerate the pots death dramaticly. Contact cleaners normally wash away the carbon dust and greases inside the pots. Both are really bad things to lose. Caig has several products. Look at D5 contact treatment or their fader lube. You only use a minuscule amount. As in a few drops if that. My last can of D5 lasted something like 10 years. And I was doing service/repair work. Two or three drops, then work the control back and forth a few times. Obviously do this with the unit unplugged. But remember that any control that needs treatment will need to be replaced at some stage as your just prolonging its inevitable death.
Here's how I clean the ALPS selector switches with the ribbon-style remote operation...

How I clean Adcom GFP-555 and GFP-565 record and playback selector switches | Hoppe's Brain

Wow, thanks Phloodpants

ha ha! The thing shuttles across, I see that now. i was not paying full attention. i was looking at relays and all sorts. now I focus on in it properly, i can see.

So cool. The remote switch keeps all the electronics on the PCB and the flexible ribbon band slides the switch to select. genius. : ) (its kinda like a bicycle gear select switch)

Great blog on the switch, i have some cleaner on the way, if i can get to the switch on the circuit board, i shall give it a go.

thank you : )
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