Ever think of building a Cornu Spiral horn? Now you can!

The cake looks fantastic. Nice going.

For stuffing, when I was voicing the speakers, I found the best way was to stuff the driver chamber with a 'cup' of insulation and if that was not enough, add a little in the throats of the horn until the boominess went away. I did not have luck with adding damping to the horn mouths but if that's what you wish then try doing just a couple of them.


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Thanks for all the advice, it seems that I might have overstuffed so next step will be to remove say 50% and see what that sounds like, I will try to avoid filters/boost for the time being although I am partial to a good bass line...

Thanks for nice comments on cake too, it was fun to "build" if a bit time consuming. New time waster is yacht maintenance - the annual lift out/polish/underwater-area-refresh... Always something to do on a boat...

If you have your cornu properly mounted on the wall there is no baffle step.

So you filter becomes bass boost clear and simple. Tha would suggest your cornu is not producing the bass intended.


You may be right Dave, but for me the whole point of building the cornu was to get bass out of a tiny driver. A 3" driver in my case. I thought the lower mids weren't to my liking so I used a bsc filter made from old stuff in my parts bin and stuffing to effectively EQ the sound to make me happy.
So, finally the yacht is back in the water, polished, with a clean bottom, nice new shiny anodes and running rigging re-installed, also managed to fix an annoying diesel leak in the dual fuel filter system. Just have to clean out the inside and re-rig the sails and we can head out for the summer.

All that meant a few hours spare to play with the Cornu’s. Disconnect and bring down from their ceiling homes (in the shed/workshop – a 4m x 3m Scandi type log hut), opened up and a load of stuffing removed from the horns and cavity. The horn stuffing is now approximately 5 inches of teased out sheep’s wool enclosed in tights, the cavity has a 20mm layer of felted sheep’s wool in the bottom and around the sides, teased out a bit around the horn throats. There is also a layer of light acoustic mat behind the speakers to keep the wool away from the cone.

First impressions were a good increase in Bass and a more balanced sound. So they were then left playing to burn in while I got on with more SWMBO tasks.

Today I was repairing some rendering around the back of the house so the Cornu’s were playing a “top 100 Rock Tracks” mix at 50% to continue the burn-in.

So some hours later rendering completed and a having succumbed to my neighbour’s offer of a refreshing beer or two (Adnams Broadside – Ahh!) I wandered back into the workshop to find Mick Jagger and the Stones laying into “Message from Turner” – sounded good. Then up came “Stairway to Heaven” and that sounded very, very good – volume up to 75% bass and treble flat – vocals were clear no sibilants’, bass was firm and articulated and while not massive was deep. Mid were clean and clear. The speakers are mounted in the roof of the workshop as there is no spare wall space and precious little floor space (it’s a combined boat shed/wood store/ladder store/ tool shed/ paint store/workshop - so busy). That creates a headphone like hot spot close to the workbench. Mmmm.

So I think I have hit a good place to stop and just listen to the Cornu's. You have to remember that these are just little 3 inch drivers even though they are in 600x600mm boxes (they do look a little lost in all that front panel space). They soak up the power, have a good range and sound pretty amazing – Ok not comparable to my Meridians – but the Cornu's cost less than £50- the pair unlike the Meridians.

End result the Workshop has a proper sound system. Thanks XRK and Carl for the inspiration.


So, finally the yacht is back in the water
Wahoo! :cheers:
You have to remember that these are just little 3 inch drivers
Yes wait till you try it with larger units. It's pure S's & G's time.
Thanks XRK and Carl for the inspiration.
Thanks to XRK for sure as he helped me realize how to do what I had been thinking about for a decade or two. OTOH, it's nice to be included in the thank you. So thank you. :)
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All kidding aside, I love when I fire up the 36" units with the 5.25" RS 1354's. Make my face hurt the next day from all the smiling.

Hmmm... As mine were "Extended Cavity" design they could physically take something much bigger than the 3" TC9FD18 - especially as a little error on the boxes means there is a replaceable cover over the cavity which would make swap outs easy.

There is a little depth problem as they are only 3 inches deep but that cavity is certainly wide enough to take a 5.25" possibly even a 6"... Hmmmm...

Throat size would be smaller than a simple expanded design but Horn length is already a bit longer than standard for a normal 3" based Cornu.

Any thoughts?

Don J
Ah, but I already have the box ~(24" x 24" x 3") with 3" drivers in, but designed with an extended cavity (see post 2810).

So, it started as a standard Cornu for a 3" driver (20" x 20" x 3") but with a 4 inch extension in X and Y for the cavity to take it out to 24 x 24.

My question was if it was worth experimenting with a larger driver in the same box as the cavity is big enough to take up to a 6 inch speaker. (though depth might be a different issue).

So the cavity could be big enough, but the throats are same sized as for the 20x20x3 box, but the horn lengths are about 24" longer than in the 20x20x3 box and the expansion ratio is larger.

But what it would sound like and which drivers to use ????

Hope that all makes sense...

Don J
Wedding Speaker? My daughter was home over the holidays and thought the cornus I built were really cool and sounded great. She asked if we could make a pair to use at her wedding (a small 40 person affair) They would be used as part of a low key DIY mic/amp setup for the ceremony audio and pre ceremony music. Location is a small inn, on a small 25' x50' lawn, by a "babbling brook". She does not know it, but the plan would be to gift her the speakers after the wedding. Might even have the all the attendees sign the speakers as part of the keepsake!

I love the cornus I have made with all y'alls help and, the flat design would be just great for the keepsake signing idea. Looking for ideas on size, drivers and external materials.

Thanks - Pete