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LM3886 - Noisy signal unless inputs shorted

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scottjoplin: thx a lot for explaining dc offset! i think i got the same problem here. after my case build i will try out the 10k pot on the input.

if it's ok i post my 3886 problem here.
atm i'm building my case. progress is good but i got shortage of space. the psu doesn't fit on the floor so i wanted to mount it "freeair" with 1mm steelband.
my question: is this ok regarding safety of operation? i'm afraid after stronger movement the psu moves around with this kind of mounting. hope you understand what i mean.



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right, the heatsink is looking gorgeous, but i got 6 of these puppies (amps) and wanted to maintain a steady look because in the end they will sit next to each other. my collection of heatsinks all look different. "only" a visual appearance problem, but i will take a look, maybe i find more of those heatsinks secondhand.
..or i build a bridge with the steel band. some riveting on the outside won't look too bad.
i'm excited to fire them all up without dc offset problems *rubbing hands*

Got the POTS a couple of days ago. Wait, I'm confused, if I'm not putting it in a screened case (I don't even know what that is) you're saying I shouldn't bother with aluminum foil? Then what I should I do for next test? Just connect RCA outputs directly to POT and POT to amp boards? Does everything need to be soldered to reduce noise, or can wires just be twisted together with caps or ??

Big newbie here.
I'm confused.

I've soldered:
CD player RCA Out--->POT Input
POT Output-->Amp signal Input

Do I solder the CD player output shield and POT ground to signal ground on the Amp board? The amp GND pads are small, so I don't have room to solder both wires together easily. Should I find a common point somewhere else and wire both to that?
Damn! Something else must've got screwed up. Since I attached the POT, no music plays, but I do hear a faint buzz if I turn up the POT.

Here are a couple of photos, albeit dark, showing what I've done. Any idea what is wrong?


  • DSCN2468.jpg
    925.3 KB · Views: 199
  • DSCN2470.jpg
    889.1 KB · Views: 185

Thanks for sticking with me on this. Actually, I forgot to mention-the wire you mention is actually green, but the colour is off -it's a dark green. To make things worse, I took that photo at night and the camera made it look even more like blue. I soldered the green wire from chassis ground on the amp to ground on the POT (but not to any actual ground or earth). That okay?
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