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Markaudio New Full Range Driver Alpair 5 Gen.2

Has anyone listened to the Alpair 5 Gen 3? I haven't seen any mention of it here and I didn't even know it came out until I checked Madisound recently.

Thread bump here, I’m curious about the 5.3 as well, wondering how it would go above a Faital Pro 15PR400, actively driven/XO.



Edit: I’d be particularly interested in what the 5.3’s off axis response is like.
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Joined 2001
Paid Member
I have a pair. At least once i EnABL them there is little to no difference. It is claimed that the new vocie coil smooths things up top, but i have a feeling the change wasmore about the Japanese market.

The A5.2/3 is a superb driver, XOed to a woofer below 250-450 Hz (depending a lot on how loud you want to go), it will make for a superb WAW if you get everything right.

The woofer should nicely reach about 2 octaves at least beyond its LP point. Does the Faital go high enuff?


Response looks to start going south about 1kHz. These look like they would be interesting <250 Hz aspush-push side mounted woofers. (but the box size might get scary).



  • Faital-15PR400-FR.png
    14.4 KB · Views: 936
Thanks Dave.

I really like what wide banders do, but obviously there are trade offs between size and off axis response, hence the question about woofer assist and directivity.

The 15PR400 is a good driver, with a pretty flat response, although I’ll also be using Minidsp for XO/EQ. It looks like it should have a nice overlap (For a 15”) with the 5.3 so I can play with XO points.

I’m currently using the 15PR400 in an open baffle with Seos 15/DE250, crossed over at about 1kHz. The Alpair 5.3 will allow me to use a lower XO point, and hopefully improve imaging too.


A quick update:

I am more than impressed with the little Alpair 5.3’s. While the speakers are far from being finished, they have a wide, deep and very stable soundstage, and the speakers absolutely disappear. they are currently in an open baffle, crossed to the OB woofer at 250Hz 4th order.

The sweet spot is also wide and stable, no beaming issues here, unlike most FR drivers I have played with. I prefer these to the Alpair 7.3’s I had, which I wanted to like but found a little directional and also ”sharp” sounding towards the top of the frequency range.

This driver is very easy to listen to. Next step will be playing with crossover points and slopes, and also room eq, as I like to measure at the listening position.


Joined 2001
Paid Member
At least a bit.

The A5.2/3 will have may just not bother because of the size. Althou i se a lot of the same kind of comments for the A10p — too small.

It should be noted that with the difference in voicing of the blue paper cone Alpairs (except for the A7p) makes this kind of question a bit tricky as the 2 drivers have different character in the top end.

I really should drag my original pair of microSET helper woofers/stands up from the basement and fire up the uMar-Ken5SET in a WAW.

Joined 2001
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Should work well if you can get good results from XO and decent driver voicing (some twealks to the paper cone JBL can push them closer to the A5.2 and just make it sound better.

The A5.2 in sealed 2-2.5 litre, or a midTL. XO point based on the centre-to-vrntre of the drivers and the BS(-3). Probaly 3-400 Hz.
