Obituary of the Sycamore Gap Tree

Joined 2003
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There is a little sibling on the other side of the wall. Let's hope it gets the time and care to grow like it's majestic neighbor.


A bit surprised that the idiot who cut down the tree didn’t injure themselves. It appears they used the saw from both sides of the trunk at the same level.

The safe way to cut down a tree is to control the direction of fall. This is done by cutting a straight cut a good about 2/3 of the way through the tree and then on the side where you want it to fall you do two more cuts to form a “V” below the first cut. Done properly you won’t have a chain saw stuck in a falling tree. You will also have an idea which way it would fall.

Supposedly the ancient Greeks had an appropriate punishment for such a cretin. You cut out their belly button, attach it to a tree, and pull out the intestines wrapping them around the tree, with the perpetrator still attached.

Perhaps a legal scholar can investigate if that punishment is still on the books in the UK!
I have a sycamore tree at the bottom of my garden which I would offer as a suitable site for the greek style punishment.
That a youngster has been detained does NOT mean that he is guilty. In the UK the administration of law is less 'flexible' than in many other countries.
This means that irrefutable proof of guilt is needed to secure a conviction. It is reported that the suspect has been bailed until fuller police enquiries are

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The perpetrator should be chained up at the pass so people can throw rotten fruit and sheep turds at them. Then they can write letters of apology to the nation.
If found guilty (unlikely with no witnesses) he'd receive a nominal fine at most. Then there will be plenty of yobs emulating him with stolen chainsaws.
No trees will be safe......
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I live pretty close by, I'm gutted by this act of idiocy. There's something that doesn't ring true here, well we'll see.
If it was the 16 year old and he wasn't injured during the act, I suspect he'll be injured before much longer.

I have Sycamores, I used to have red Sycamores in a previous property.
It's nice to see folk from all over the world responding, but I guess we all feel a connection to this tree.
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A view of the felled sycamore:

View attachment 1218115

I heard on the BBC news that the stump of the tree is healthy, giving hope of regeneration.

View attachment 1218109

Stump sprouting is a natural way that fallen trees regenerate, so there may be hope for the future.

Apparently, the sycamore has a tap root that penetrates deep into the ground, reaching down around 100 feet or more.
That is true, sycamores will regrow from roots (coppicing) or severely pruned trees (pollarding).

If convicted, the teenager should be required to work in a tree replanting/ reforesting project for several years, once a month, IMO.
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I have a sycamore tree at the bottom of my garden which I would offer as a suitable site for the greek style punishment.
We need to move beyond simple retribution and anger, into more positive spaces. Earlier, I suggested that the individual, if convicted, be required to work in a tree replanting/native forest restoration project once a month for several years. Perhaps I should also have said that he should be assigned some type of mentor that would help him see value of natural world, and also help that perso work through whatever issues led him to cut down that tree.
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Dangerous dares are making their rounds on the Internet.

A growing number of youngsters in search of fame and validation by their peers have been found performing dangerous stunts.

At the age of 16, the decision-making and judgement portion of the brain has not fully matured.

I'm pretty sure the Police are taking all of the above into account in their investigations.
Hopefully, both of these bastards will be forced to plant many trees for their penance.
Planting 1,000 trees and ensuring their survival to 5 years would be suitable punishment, IMHO. This would be far more beneficial than the barbaric acts mentioned above, and would give the perpetrator(s) plenty of time to ponder their crime.
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