Something to lighten the mood

Joined 2009
Paid Member
No, that's not his. He borrowed it from a beaver:)


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Joined 2009
Paid Member
He has that knowing look, doesn't he?
This dog has never been formally trained in any way. He doesn't shake a paw or roll over and play dead, play catch, or fetch. What he does do is obey. He seems to know what we want and complies. I think I'm the real dog whisperer. I can send him into the fray liked Caesar Milan and he knows what I want. He's incredibly intelligent as I'm convinced all presented here are. Last summer the two autistic brothers I regularly encounter at the park(always at a distance as they're terrified of Chopper) screaming in fear, took me by surprise as they were sitting on a bench with their mother. As I approached, they began screaming and flailing their arms and legs in panic while their mother tried calming them. I joined in telling them not to fear as he is very friendly at about 10 feet away. I then motioned and said to Chopper, "Okay, go". He immediately ran over to them and stood at their flailing feet looking back at me for direction. After they calmed down with our encouragement(about 15sec), I said "Okay lets go" and we went on our way. Their mother was very impressed. It was an awesome sight.;)