This is all going terribly wrong

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diyAudio Retiree
Joined 2002
Night of the living Fred


Surely you haven't descended to the level of gloating, have you?"

When in Rome do as the Romans do. Reason, humor, complaints, explanations, and insults have no effect on this creature. As with silver bullets for werewolfs and stakes for vampires, I will use any weapon I can, to free myself from this accused monster and return to realm of rational men.
concession speech

I will use any weapon I can, to free myself from this accused monster and return to realm of rational men.
Funny, I and others who have emailed me their support were impressed with how eminently rational I appeared in light of your hysteria and in how logically I made my points. That said, sometimes you have to fight dirty to win and there is no question that you won the board. I'm sorry that my extended hand was returned with a one finger salute but I hope that your victory will mellow you and cure your insecurites. I suspect you found me a worthy adversary :)

Moderators, all I can say is that you are missing an opportunity and time will tell if my private portents to you hold true. If you make the same kind of judgements in the future you may very well release the apocalypse of this board and that would really be tragic.
Round Holes And Square Pegs. light of your hysteria
....and cure your insecurites
This is a technical forum, and not a bitching venue.
Any women who speaks to me using the above kinds of words gets short shrift, and quick as lightspeed if coming from a man.
Stay with technical things to share, and you'll find that you are surrounded by older, knowing, laid back and relxed kinds of guys.
You have to fit to join the club.


Being one of the "elite" of this community, I can understand why you would try and blame me for the "bitching" but if you really had an intention of helping people make better audio you would have exhibited it in the "Fly me to the moon: 6181/inverted gainclone challenge" thread. There were plenty of opportunities there to put the thread back on a technical track but you found it more convenient to be silent and enjoy the theatre. Hypocrisy?
Blame it all on the 'elite'
Someone has been watching too much foxnews.

I disagree with MF on this one, I think the problem is another.

There are a number of relatively new members on this site that are full of spunk that take this site to be their own personal bitch. To these individuals I ask: what is the reason to hang around here if you feel you are not getting anything in return?
Rather than divulging and arguing about your opinions to a bunch of people that couldn't care less about them wouldn't you be more productive doing something else?

How do I know all this? Because I am kinda like that sometimes, but I am trying real hard to do better.;) :devily:
diyAudio Retiree
Joined 2002
Apocalypse....... How?

The humor.......... The humor.........

"That said, sometimes you have to fight dirty to win."

Who is winning anything? You have made unsubstantiated accusations that I responded to, leaving you the option to say that you misunderstood, and gracefully withdraw. Your persistent carping about me has now extended to the moderators, other members of the forum, and renewed ankle biting at me. You have nearly landed a third party in the sin bin where I pretty sure you will wind up after a few more of your diatribes.

The next time you offer a peace offering, try not to start with "I was going to rip you a new one ." I will freely admit I can nasty and have apologized to most that I have truly unjustly provoked. To the others I ask your forgiveness. To you I offer nothing and I expect nothing from you other than for you to get as bored as you make the rest of us and go away. Nobody has ever held a grudge like you do and made the efforts to smear me like you have. If you are receiving such, behind the scenes support, have them make it public, like the support and criticism I have received in the public spotlight. If they want to send me hate mail as well, the address is

Nobody has ever demanded anything from me and gotten it with such persistent whining. The remark about favoritism from the moderators was a good one, as nobody has spent as much time in the sin bin as I have (possibly more time than all the other inmates combined). I have seldom taken issue with the moderators until you came along. First I am called a terrorist and now some drama queen comes along talking about the apocalypse. Keep it up. The damage to my reputation and the defensibility of your actions increases with every one of your post. By all means keep up the good work at making the forum a better place. I ask for no more support from moderators or other members. After all with enemas like you who needs friends?

"I suspect you found me a worthy adversary "

I am so taken aback that I can only mirror the statement that Jack Plance made to Billy Crystal in City Slickers concerning the relative size of his threat in relation to the results of a certain biological process on his part. A bright guy like you should have no problem looking it up on the web........... If you will excuse me, there other people I must savage and other technical blunders to make. As important as you are, it still wouldn't be fair to neglect the others by devoting all my time to this matter (although you seem to.)


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Get It Together

Nah, just off doing other things.

As per Petes suggestion, YES, we should put all heads together on thought forms for a 'Vacuum Clone - TM".
The sucessful outcome depends on the complete absence of egotism and emotive outbursts, and in so doing be a venue for intelligent discussion of views, experiences and knowledge in the spirit of advancing audio as an artform, as well as an applied science.
Pete, I say make the new thread title.

Rather than divulging and arguing about your opinions to a bunch of people that couldn't care less about them wouldn't you be more productive doing something else?
Please be specific to whom this criticism applies. Are you inviting people to leave the forum? Shirk your cowardice and say who should leave. Better yet, give us a cutoff date which defines "relatively new" members so there will be no ambiguity about it. If you are assimilated and feel you have been brow beaten enough to "fit in" as mrfeedback claims above, then good for you. I believe I represent many who are too timid to post or dare contradict some of the "eite" posters in this forum and as such, my presence serves a useful purpose. My excercise with Fred was constucted specifically to highlight his true nature. I put him under pressure and gave him the opportunity to be great or petty. The members who read that thread can draw their own conclusions.

The healthy presentation of one's opinion is what makes ALL things better. Noone is infallable (not even our current team of moderators) so opposing opinions are vital and lead to progress by insuring no good idea remains undisclosed. Recent evidence leads me to conclude that this is not where the leadership is taking us. The sad thing is that there are many readers in this thread that sympathize with me and would comment in kind but fear reprisal from their guru. Leadership or tyranny?
Fred Dieckmann
You have made unsubstantiated accusations that I responded to, leaving you the option to say that you misunderstood, and gracefully withdraw.
Claiming they are unsubstantiated doesn't make them so. I proved what I set out to prove and gave my examples. If they didn't hit the mark you wouldn't have been so keen on having that thread moved to oblivion. If you really think they are unsubstantiated you would have no fear in bringing the thread back into the public view and helping it get back on track. Many people sacrifice their time and effort to provide a better audio experience to the membership. Nobody took those detailed photos of Peter Daniels inverted gainclone for him. Many others contribute too but you are the only one who resents it. You are a sad sad man and even your victories are not sweet to you. I wish that you would let me help you but I fear I have become the lightning rod of your ill feeling. Maybe its best that way. Others will benefit from the hurt I caused you even though I never will.
Re: You have got to be kidding..... right?

Fred Dieckmann said:

Long hours, low pay, no gratitude, and accusations of stealing the design elsewhere. Rapid advancement opportunities for self starters! Apply now as the position will not remain open long with the large number of applicants. References required. Send resume to:

You know what Fred, sometimes I have a feeling that those words of yours (below), may apply to you as well:;)

Fred Dieckmann said:

I went back and read your previous post in particular the first one. I am very puzzled why one who started from the premise that amplifiers sound different and believed that to the extent of building one's own amplifiers is so intent on proving that they don't. Did you get burnt out due to the time and money involved or the lack of success with building your own amps? Was it the frustration of not wanting to spend the large amount of money that you thought was required to have a good system? Did you lose interest in music or resent the time and effort spent on the hobby?

Fred Dieckmann
BSEE AND deluded audiophile.
diyAudio Retiree
Joined 2002
Leadership, tyranny, or indifference to the malcontents?

'The sad thing is that there are many readers in this thread that sympathize with me and would comment in kind but fear reprisal from their guru. Leadership or tyranny?"

I think you will find few people here claiming to be a guru. I don't, and I think the ones who think they are get tested and often run away. Reasonable questions, claims, and responses to differences in opinion; will lead to useful exchanges and learning on the part of the members. I have learned several new things this week and am persuaded to pursue a design approach that would not have occurred to me before. This from discussions of the pros and cons of that circuit on a recent thread where I supplied some of the cons and reassessed them in light strength of the pros. I guess that revokes my imagined "guru" license.

1. Retaliation for an injury with the intent of inflicting at least as much injury in return. 2. Forcible seizure of an enemy's goods or subjects in retaliation for injuries inflicted. 3. The practice of using political or military force without actually resorting to war.

Go looking for trouble and one will usually get a reprisal. A legitimate criticism or rational disagreement will more likely get a measured response. Beware of those who claim to speak for whose views you have not heard. Question if their true intent is for the welfare of those behind the scenes, or merely an attempt to increase only their own self importance.
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