Post your Analogue Source pics here

I have been working on a solution for suspending a plinth using maglev suspension for two years now to no avail. I never thought of o-rings. Brilliant! Mind if I borrow your idea? Nice work by the way.

The motor in mine is by Hurst and is used by VPI. It vibrates like a chain saw and requires a very heavy case. It's the PB series P/N 3203-001 They still sell them but they don't like to export. Got an American friend?...

I got the platter from ebay. No longer available I would guess the weight at 10 or so kilo. With a heavy platter the table weight can be less. The shaft is 9.97 mm. The rest is in the pic.
Where did you get your platter?

Cheers; Glenn


I did look at these photos when you posted them and wondered how such small magnets could fully suspend a 10 kilo platter. I presume that the platter is fully supported by magnets ? .
Looking again and more closely I notice that the magnets in the plinth seem to be doubled up. Does that double the repelling strength of the magnets ?
Hi Deadhead;

I'm rereading the thread, looking hard at Adelmo's suspension. With more spare time, I'm ready to make my plinth "float". One gets tired of having to tip toe around the room!

The platter magnets are rather large compared to what's available. As to whether the force is doubled, you would have to study Earnshaw's theorem. It is significantly more than singles. What gets me, is that after a few years, it hasn't sagged any.

I see that platters are available again on Search for...
60T Super Sound Aluminum Platter+Tungsten steel Maglev bearing for Turntables

Cheers; Glenn
My self designed and self built RIAA amp.
  • MM & MC
  • Adjustable load capacitance for MM and load resistance for MC
  • Adjustable gain, 4 steps
  • DC servo to eliminate unnecessary coupling capacitors
  • Active/passive RIAA network with 0.1 % thin film resistors, 2 % PPS caps
  • RIAA accuracy better than +/-0.1 dB
  • Mute circuit to eliminate pops at power-up and off
  • Low noise and ultra low distortion
  • 4-layer PCB with good GND plane for low noise


I recently did a couple of these and had the enclosure CNC machined:


Example frequency response deviation (jumps at low frequecies caused by QA software settings). Note the Y-axle span.

Frequency response blue proto Serial# 000.png

I may post a dedicated thread about this one if there's interest.

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Thanks, I will post a thread with more details in the near future.

Here's my Denon TT with the original 1.0 version that I designed in 1989 as a student. Here I had modified it to use the modern Linear Technology (ADI) power supply circuit which I then used in the new versions.

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Here's a dc coupled b1 buffer with salas regulators, and volume control is the lighter note ldr control, all build in in a old commercial riaa chassis.
Power is external and it uses regulators from, q22 I think.


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My Super Nova, a re-imagined SOTA Star Sapphire vacuum platter deck. A very high mass rigid plinth with the motor and power supply in a separate high mass unit. Upgraded vacuum pump in its own high mass module that can be placed across the room. Arms are Triangle Art Osiris and SME Type IV.

Veneered with zebrawood.


Denon DP-3000 in a solid Baltic birch plinth with Brazilian rosewood veneers and a Fidelity Research FR-54 arm. The dust cover from the old SOTA star was a perfect fit so it's repurposed here.


And the latest effort nearing completion, A BE 12-C. Broadcast Electronics was the last maker of the classic Russco/QRK commercial tables. This would be comparable to a Russco Studio Master. Rugged commercial idler wheel tables made to run 24/7/365 for years at a time.

As with all of my stuff, high mass. Mass is great for damping and stability.

Arm is a Karmadon replica of a Gray Research 108 viscous damped arm. They are new production and very well made in Ukraine.

I'm excited to get this one spinning

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