Broken images or links - report them here

Joined 2000
Paid Member
Exhibit B:

syntax of old link:
syntax of new link:

However, the new link suggested by @stv is still not correct. I suspect @stv copied it from his browser URL bar not the post.

That URL says (in URL language) "go to thread 119854 page 628 and then scroll the page down after loading to put the top of the screen at HTML anchor called 'post-6860617'". If we eventually have a different number of posts per page that link format will also not work. The only link format that has ever been reliable, or will probably ever be reliable, is one without a target/anchor section (the hash, followed by some text).

There is now a post number in the top RHS of each post, all users should copy and use that. Don't copy from the browser bar. That's specific to how many posts-per-page you have. For post 6860617 the copied link from the number in the top RHS looks like:


You will note there is no hash. This link will always work great. Is is PPP agnostic.

There is also a share icon in the top RHS, it produces the same correct link.


In future, we will need to ask, beg, plead all members to use the link from the top RHS of the post, not copy it from the browser URL bar where a modified link gets put during page display that allows the page to scroll down to the post in question.

TLDR; Always use the link generation tool in the top RHS of a post.

As for this reported broken link, we are now looking into seeing if we can get the correct link generated by looking solely at the post number. On the old forum 90% of users and 100% of non-logged-in guest users were using 20 PPP. That meant that these "brittle" links did work for most people, but they did not work for anyone with a different number of PPP. I always used 50 PPP so they never worked for me due to this issue.

However there is definitely a new issue with the new forum where even though we are all now forced to use 20 PPP, these links are no longer working. This is now being looked into.
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Links related issue: wishing that the shortcut links that are on top of the thread page also appear at the bottom of each thread page. Right now you have to go back to the top to click on it. “Back to top” button solution though just adds an extra action...
Joined 2000
Paid Member
Links related issue: wishing that the shortcut links that are on top of the thread page also appear at the bottom of each thread page. Right now you have to go back to the top to click on it. “Back to top” button solution though just adds an extra action...
Which links exactly?

The 'DIYaudio store' links give me an unattainable message using latest version of Opera and an older version of Safari.
What links exactly?
I am unable to see any of the figures after the first three - meaning figures 2 and after are only small question mark icons that do not expand when I click them. Does anyone have suggestions on why I can't see them (I have tried multiple computers PC and Mac, multiple browsers (chrome, safari, firefox)? Alternatively, does anyone know where else these figures might be posted (or re-posted)?

Hello, the links to the universal power supply BOM and schematic are broken in the Build Guide (but functional on the DIYAUDIOSTORE website)
Screen Shot 2022-03-01 at 6.51.21 AM.png


Joined 2003
Paid Member
The PDF link attached inside this post seems broken, doesn't open up.
To be sure I closed the browser and reopened it, link still not working, right-click and select "Open link in new tab" opens a new tab next to current, there's a spinner in the tab going for a second and then auto-closes the tab.

Copy link, open a new tab, switching manually to the new tab and pasting the link works.

This is on latest Brave (Version 1.37.109 Chromium: 100.0.4896.60 (Official Build) (64-bit)) browser on Ubuntu, the browser comes in a Snap package which Ubuntu have been pushing lately for their packages, and while I am not really sure if Snap is the cause, it has been a little bit buggy, more buggy on Firefox version.
Exhibit B:

syntax of old link:
syntax of new link:

However, the new link suggested by @stv is still not correct. I suspect @stv copied it from his browser URL bar not the post.

That URL says (in URL language) "go to thread 119854 page 628 and then scroll the page down after loading to put the top of the screen at HTML anchor called 'post-6860617'". If we eventually have a different number of posts per page that link format will also not work. The only link format that has ever been reliable, or will probably ever be reliable, is one without a target/anchor section (the hash, followed by some text).

There is now a post number in the top RHS of each post, all users should copy and use that. Don't copy from the browser bar. That's specific to how many posts-per-page you have. For post 6860617 the copied link from the number in the top RHS looks like:


You will note there is no hash. This link will always work great. Is is PPP agnostic.

There is also a share icon in the top RHS, it produces the same correct link.


In future, we will need to ask, beg, plead all members to use the link from the top RHS of the post, not copy it from the browser URL bar where a modified link gets put during page display that allows the page to scroll down to the post in question.

TLDR; Always use the link generation tool in the top RHS of a post.

As for this reported broken link, we are now looking into seeing if we can get the correct link generated by looking solely at the post number. On the old forum 90% of users and 100% of non-logged-in guest users were using 20 PPP. That meant that these "brittle" links did work for most people, but they did not work for anyone with a different number of PPP. I always used 50 PPP so they never worked for me due to this issue.

However there is definitely a new issue with the new forum where even though we are all now forced to use 20 PPP, these links are no longer working. This is now being looked into.

I wasn't aware of any of this, so I made almost all links in the opening post of in the wrong way. They certainly don't work on my computer anymore. I can't update them either, apparently because the opening post is longer than the new forum software allows. Anyway, I'm happy that I do know now that it makes a difference from where you copy the links.