Burning Amp 2021 - Oct 16 & 17th, Fort Mason SF

Thank you so much!

Having bought a ticket but having to miss Burning Amp out of family reasons, I am thrilled to now have the chance to see all presentations!

Thank you so much to all the people making this possible!
It is a pleasure to watch even 2 weeks later.

diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Ha! you do have some bad traits to be an interviewer:
You know the circuits of at least half the probable pieces of equipment
You know what you're talking about regarding electronics
You aren't the type to lecture the victim to establish your superiority
You like people
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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Ha! you do have some bad traits to be an interviewer:
You know the circuits of at least half the probable pieces of equipment
You know what you're talking about regarding electronics
You aren't the ego type to lecture the victim to establish your superiority
You like people
you sure that you aren't in one of those backward sayin' streaks?



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