Call for Musical Instruments forum board

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### edit dice45 ###
the question for a Musical Instruments forum board arose out of another thread. I decided to split it off and to put it on the Everything Else board to get appropriate attention :)
### edit dice45 ###

Hi fdegrove,

fdegrove said:
Anyone remembers the moog and mellotron?

Yup, both are interesting instruments.

BTW, I wonder why there isn't any DIY analog synth section.
As I searched the net, I found quite a lot of sites and a mailing list on that topic...........

So if any moderator is reading this: Why don't you open up a new section for those freaxx?


Joined 2000
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I don't imagine that there wld be a high enough demand for a dedicated forum on that topic. We have tried splitting forums down to niche areas before, and it just doesn't work - people don't look around. You could say that that is a navigation or UI problem but it's generally better to lump everything in together. The lesser of two evils.

Feel free to start a thread on it / more threads and see how they go.

By the way, I am a very enthusiastic techo man myself (psy, breaks, techno, tech-house) so I would love to see people talking about it, but I can't see it happening.
Musical instruments forum: yes!!

i am not that sure there would no be enough interest.

I heard rumours about more than one forums related to DIY music instruments and closed down by the site owners not due to lacking demand but other reasons.

Methinks it is hard to predict if there will be enough interest, only a tryout will tell.
Think of the Analogue board, it seemed to end uüp as ghost town for quite a while and look at it now. Not a bee hive like Speakers, Pass Labs, SS, but lively and
healthy. Methinks, if we could manoeuver some musical instrument experts to our new Music Instrument forum then it is more than a newbie's platform, i am convinced it's mere existence will attract people.

And i know atleast one of them: my other best friend, Papageno. He has built two harpsichords. Back in the 60ies, he has built 3way speakers with a backloaded horn for the bass and from todays POV i still consider them to be remarkable speakers. At the moment he is building an electronic organ meant to sound exactly like one of those gorgeous ancient Arp Schnitger organs (like the one at St.Jakobi church Hamburg) and for that purpose he records the organ ton be tone, all different registers. He stores the recorded samples in EPROMs and a key stroke then triggers the readout of the sample, attack, steady tone, decay depending on how long the key was pressed, in better than CD quality.

Recently Papageno asked me if there is any knowledge on our board concerning digital hall units, as he was reluctant to use and analog hall spiral. Could be experts like Jocko have no knowledge but a sudden idea how build such, who knows?

Back to topic,
i could see what other forums exist and tell members we opened a musical instruments forum board, i could ask JoeNet members who are into guitar amps or similar, i could ask Dieter Ennemoser, the C37 guy and violin maker to come and see if there is some interesting stuff for him. What i have in mind: the knowledge of different, completely differnt fields would suddenly be in the same pool and accessible by all particiapants.
And then: patience: not close it down the day after tomorrow because of not enough posts. Instead wait until the critical mass is reached. :)

You know, I believe in weird things like free flow of knowledge and a common knowledge pool. And i believe in a not so weird concept: quality. A working Musical Instruments board would help to raise quality. I would heartily encourage a Musical Instrument forum board. :yes:
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002

Hi guys,

Sounds like a good idea to me,the musicians may also bring along some guys from the recording business and so on.

We could learn from them,they form us and at the end of the day we may get a bit of crossbreeding too.
Wouldn't hurt to try?

So that one vote from me.;)

See you,:)
Joined 2000
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well you guys have your finger on the pulse much more than me so Dice of course please do what you think is best :)

BTW and FWIW I was referring to the asked question of opening a dedicated "DIY analog synth section", not a whole diy instrument section. I should read a thread cover to cover before I put my foot in my mouth again.
no foot in mouth. I have the separation of the Video board in mind: noone appreciated the separation. So i would not dream of having an analog synth board. But analog synths are Musical Instruments and discussions on this topic would wel fit into a Musical Instrument board. And Musical Instruments is a general topic biggenuff to attract people. :)
sangram said:
Bring it on!

I also might add you may want to consider musical instrument amps, DIY stompboxes etc along with DIY instruments themselves. Or am I looking at it from another angle??

Nope you aren't, as I play electric guitar, the DIY stompboxes would be an interesting thing to me .
But I must admit that I'm not too much into electronics (honstly said: I don't know s#it about it).

Dice: You could first of all open open the board without any sub- categories and wait until there are some threads, and then start splitting it into different sub- cats.
I know that there are at least some musicians on this forum, who might be interested in it...........


bob4 said:
Dice: You could first of all open open the board without any sub- categories and wait until there are some threads, and then start splitting it into different sub- cats.
I know that there are at least some musicians on this forum, who might be interested in it...........

this is exaclty what i am going to do. Because the music instrument builders who could vote for such a board are not yet here, we have to lure them to join us.

We have to swallow this new board will be a ghost town for a while. Hass been same case with the Analogue board. Very silent and after i had given up, activity suddenly started.

Subcategories won't work anyway, experience with the Video board has shown this.

Screw clamp: Are you sure you have solid bone between your ears? Just a curious mechanical engineer asking :) ... and, no, we do not second to apply screw clamps on submissive cats :D
Disabled Account
Joined 2001

While interest is building up for this new musical instruments section just a suggestion that a midi player could be a very useful accesory.

One could come to the musical instruments section and choose to play from a range of selected music displaying the sounds of various instruments such as guitar, violin, piano, etc.

Maybe a selection of 10 - 20 sequences and of course people usually have a midi player in their own computer software or can easily download free players.

A further enhancement would be if, when entering this musical instruments section one was greeted by a randomly chosen interlude of the day which played gently in the background.

My pick would be

SCHUBERT, Franz (1797-1828) AUSTRIA
Serenade (arr. for solo guitar by Tran Duc Tai) (12k) (Tran Duc Tai)
I will enthousistically (?) second the idea of a DIY (electronical) music instruments section here at DIYaudio.

I greatly miss a pro / recording section here (ok, there are other forums out there in the net...), I cannot really understand that so many hifi and music lovers do not seem to be very interested in how the music they love so much is actually produced. And this would be a great support to discussions about many subjects in the techique and art of audio reproduction (which is only a part of audio technology of course).
Eye-opening and ear-astonishing garanteed !

Back to the electronic music instruments:

Since the development of the sound recording and reproduction technologies it is possible to incorporate much more to the world of music: Easy access to all kinds of music, even the very exotic ones, gave possibilities of quotations, the incorporation of natural sounds, noises, created a great extension to the musical view of life, and so on.
So the world of musical instruments does not only mean the realm of the creation of sound themselves (like synthesizers maybe), but also all kinds of transformation (from stomp boxes to time controlled filters and complex spatialisation). So I usually consider all parts of the sound studio as instruments myself, from synthesizers to loudspeakers (here in the creative way), from the mixing desk to the outboard gear (and as a composer working with all this items I know what I am talking about).

There are a million ideas, tricks and tweaks with the possibilities of DIY concerning the other side, the "studio side of the audio chain".
And what I like most is that the idea of DIY is no contradiction to the world of the professionals any more: Every idea which leads to some result is valid, unique, maybe genious, at least interesting. That lifts us from consumers (terribly struggling to get the finest detail from messed recordings) to active musicians (sometimes the space on the recording is "just" the application of another simple exciter).

So let the ideas roll.
diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member
pro recording has been mentioned as well as the point that other websites cover it. What I am interested in is home recording.
Stereophile magazine does a lot of good stuff with just a 2 channel 24/96 A-D card. They claim that it is audiophile quality. So, how about info about using home computers to record live and copy
The simple basics first Also DIY circuits for good A-D , D-A converters. Are the D-A converters the same as what we add to our CD players?Also Mike preamps, mixers, etc.
sequencing, adjustable synthasizer sounds that can be midi controlled, waveforms edited. All this is very common, I just don't kmow where to start.
Just ideas of what some might be interested in.
have not yet checked the subtitle of the Musical Instrumnets board but it certainly is meant to harbour those discussions too. Unless we have so much traffic that instruments and recording has to be separated, we keep anything combined dealing with generating and storing audio data.

If you know interesting discussion partners skilled and/or interested in those topics, why not lure them into joining us? :)
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002

Hi guys,

From what I've seen we must have at least a couple of electric guitar players in the tube category,I even crossed some guy from Indonesia or the Philipines playing in a group called "Krakatau".

There's bound to be others...

Are the D-A converters the same as what we add to our CD players?.

The DA convertors as used in the recording industry may be top of the bill but a decent Hi-Fi one would do for sure.
Both perform the same task.

Mics and preamps for these could be as simple or sophisticated as you'ld like.
The pro stuff doesn't excactly come cheap though.
We do have at least one member experienced in that field at:

And yet another two Eurocents in the pottie,;)
diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member
As always, DIY might get us cheap and good (or maybe not:( )

A good A to D project would be nice-I haven't found any DIY designs. You can get a decent 2 channel 24/96 A-D PC card for about $250 so it would have to be a simple cheap DIY design to better it. Various mic preamp designs are floating around.

Hey wait! Those Mic capsules that Mr. Linkwitz mentions on his site are about $2 each and he says that if rewired they sound pretty darned good! There are variants of these mics around the web.

I guess I wanna be a frugal recordophile (tm)
Just kidding Planet 10 ;)
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