diyAudio will be down this Sunday/Monday for upgrades

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Thanks for the effort. So far having good experience browsing forum. (As mentioned by someone earlier there were few icons missing in message box but that is sorted it seems. Also earlier attached pictures in post used to take time but now it is somewhat better). I think speed is faster too. Clicking on thread takes you to last post is very helpful.

Thanks again.
warm regards.
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Icons missing in the post post were an unfortunate side-effect of the wiki being disabled, however as of a few hours ago, the Wiki's own issues which were preventing it from being enabled have now been resolved.

We are suffering from some serious performance issues since the upgrade to 3.8.11, and are yet to discover the culprit. Performance is VERY important to me. Years ago I spent a lot of time getting diyAudio to a near perfect Pagespeed score, because I think it's critical that websites are fast. I'm not sure why performance has gone down the toilet since upgrading, but we will isolate the problem as a #1 priority before we start work on moving to XF.
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I've noticed some very strange stuff going on with the server, so I'm just going to push right ahead with a migration out of our 10 year old Centos 5 box, which has likely suffered from various exploits over the years, to an absolutely modern, fresh Centos 7 box with Redis, and PHP-FPM. That will probably take a week in itself.

We'll move to a proper cloud based, DDOS protected Ansible solution when we move to XF. I'll have to do a lot of work looking at all our configuration set up anyway for this move, and most of that work can be re-used with Ansible configuration.
The diyaudio Trello page took a long time to load, but was basically blank with a dark blue border at the top (on Firefox).

Having never heard of Trello and having no idea what it does I looked at their introductory page. It told me how useful Trello is and all the types of organisation and business which might benefit from it. It didn't say anywhere what Trello actually does. Whatever it does, it doesn't seem to be doing it for me regarding diyaudio. I had to go to Wikipedia via Google to finally discover what Trello actually does. I can only assume that the authors of Trello are so amazed at their own amazingness that it did not occur to them that someone might not have heard of them or what their product does. Using a product's own website to explain what the product does is so conventional and boring.

You are doing an excellent job, Jason. When you have fixed and migrated diyaudio, perhaps you could then tell Trello how to fix their website?
Joined 2007
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No problems accessing Trello with MS Edge.


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Jason said:
We are suffering from some serious performance issues since the upgrade to 3.8.11, and are yet to discover the culprit. Performance is VERY important to me. Years ago I spent a lot of time getting diyAudio to a near perfect Pagespeed score, because I think it's critical that websites are fast. I'm not sure why performance has gone down the toilet since upgrading, but we will isolate the problem as a #1 priority before we start work on moving to XF.
Hmm did you update the php version to 7 Jason? (Im not sure if thats important but it may be)
Quote Wrap Problem


I have this problem using Windows and Firefox,
please see jpg.

It's not the end of the world though.
probably simpler to see the pic instead of describing it.

Maybe put a dedicated thread forum here at site Announcements so
that it is easily seen by folks? And posting won't get in the way
of official announcements, etc.



  • Quote Issue.jpg
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Joined 2000
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Tapatalk is now enabled.


I have this problem using Windows and Firefox,
please see jpg.

It's not the end of the world though.
probably simpler to see the pic instead of describing it.

Maybe put a dedicated thread forum here at site Announcements so
that it is easily seen by folks? And posting won't get in the way
of official announcements, etc.


JPEG thumbnails now fixed.

Your suggestion is a good one, we should have a dedicated bug thread. I'll start it.
Joined 2000
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@ Jason

Hi, vB is what used for years. Three years ago they moved over to XF. At first a lot of people didn't like it, including me. But, the Admin LWM was able to make several options available to members, including a number of styles to choose from. One looks similar to how it did in vB.

LWM is an expert on XF, as he now mainly works on it for others too. Why not PM him & see if you can get any useful tips etc from him ;)



Got it, thanks for the link. I'm all for offering a variety of skins/themes for XF. A default lighter theme, a dark theme for the night owls who value their retinas, and a "vb3 will never die" theme for those who don't like change, would be logical choices.
Got it, thanks for the link. I'm all for offering a variety of skins/themes for XF. A default lighter theme, a dark theme for the night owls who value their retinas, and a "vb3 will never die" theme for those who don't like change, would be logical choices.

Multiple themes is a great welcome, especially one with a dark-warm hue theme with as little blue light as possible.
For those who aren't aware yet, our flat screens using LED background lighting are emitting quite an intensive peak of blue light in the shorter wavelength spectrum closer to the UV border which is potentially harmful to the eyes retina, especially for those sitting long periods in front of a computer display, using smart phones, watching TV etc..

Following web page have a massive information on High-Energy Visible light (HEV) collected together for anyone interested in the matter.

Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
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That's quite similar to the colour scheme I use Jason. I can't remember the name of the one I'm using but I went through a LOT before I settled on it. Main problem for me was finding one that was red/green colourblind friendly!



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