Geezer needs seat-of-the-pants design crossover help

I'm pairing an ancient Utah 12" with an SB-29 tweet with an Fs of 600Hz and thought a steep crossover at 2200 Hz would keep the so-so woofer away from the goodness of the tweeter. Thus, this 4th Order L-R.

Did I get the electrical build right?



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Joined 2011
The extra output black jumper wire appears to be redundant also, but would not cause an outright malfunction like the red one would.

The input jumpers are both needed to connect both the high and low crossover sections to the input terminals..
Big Thank You Rayna and Marcel. Got it sorted now. Don't know what I was thinking on the output side. Or that black wire antenna!

This is why my last amplifier build was back in 2015. I no longer can be trusted with high voltage but I thought, "I know, I'll use up those old dusty woofers and what's in the parts bin, how hard could it be?"

Gonna listen to these while I'm waiting for my Ticket To Ride.
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That should work. 4th order LR is a really good way to go. To take it to the next level, you might want to load that design into a crossover design program like Xsim, Boxsim or Vituix CAD. You may find that the impedance variation with frequency of the woofer and tweeter will play around with the phase and rolloff of those filters. Adding a few more components to get the impedance of each driver to be flat through the crossover region might get you some improvement. Of course doing that takes a lot of time to make measurements of the individual driver impedance and acoustic output and learn the software. So if it sounds good as is, rock on.
The final few furlongs are always the hardest but I got one speaker done and bumped downstairs on the 2 wheeler. Hooked it up to my cheapo Bluetooth rig and, playing off my phone, it sounds darn good. I knew the SB-29 tweeter was quite efficient but the channel balance when paired with the very efficient 4 Pi Pro had voices pretty much in the middle. The big Utah must be in the low to mid-90s.

Tomorrow I'll close up the other box, wrangle it downstairs (Baltic Birch is HEAVY) and have a real listen.

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