Metal music

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Metal! Any subgenre, any period ( from heavy to djent or whatever is the flavour of the day).

As Kristian Kohle stated recently in a video, our (my) generation is now 'Vintage' so it's time to revive some memories of teenage's years. :)

Let's begin with one of the best release of one of the greatest band Switzerland ever produced (and as i'm vintage let's find a video where the record is played on a TT! Ironicaly the original was only availlable on CD!):

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I agree this is a great album and for 1993 it still sound good and not too old.
I discovered some years later that having multiple TT spin around kind of focused my mind when i was djing D&B but this is another whole story. ;)

Let's focus on headbanging and moshpit rather than dancing in the woods facing giant soundsystems.

Another classic ( 1994) still sounding great:

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Because i listened to Ministry yesterday i woke up this morning needing for more metal/industrial finesse today.

One interesting project 'back in the days' who was inspired by Ministry was from Max Cavalera/Alex Newport joint vulture ( Sepultura toured with Ministry early 90's).
The mix of Fudge Tunel / Sepultura gave birth to this:

Angry people!
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I have the same problem with NIN and Ministry:
I really like the early stuff but the moment they started producing themselves they became formulaic, boring and annoying.
So while I think Twitch and Pretty Hate Machine are some of the best albums ever committed to vinyl (at least in their genre) the rest of their output is just meh.
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For decent sound quality metal (this is DIYA after all) here are a few I like:
Ark, Burn the sun
Animals as leaders, Joy of motion
Dream Theater, various albums like Awake, Images and Words etc
Symphony X, various albums
RATM, self titled album

In general I have a feeling there is more of the 'loudness wars' on more recent albums.
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Charles: I fully understand but... i'm in no way objective about it! :D

For me Ministry loose all interest after 'Filth Pig' but all previous effort are some kind of pinacle for metal industrial in particular 'Psalm69' and 'The mind is a terrible thing to taste'.
Mind you i was active in a wannabe metal band where the guitarist was the typical '...hole guitar hero' with only focus was to solo and complicated structure tracks. Such a relief for me when i was introduced to Ministry (ultra) repetitive riff based arrangement style and no boring solos! :)
I then loose all interest in the metal side and got more into the industrial... ( i'll try to not overflood with metal/indus thingy but... ).
I think it is related to a generation difference and preference of course.

About NIN we ( my buddys and circle i was involved in) had a bit of a scorn attitude... After all with Foetus, Filter and the likes they were the ones who 'betrayed' the genre ( made it mainstream).
Johnny Cash cover of 'Hurt' changed things to me as i rediscovered the songwriter's talent T.Raznor had/have.
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The 'sound' is a real issue this day i find.

Sure recent productions sound almost perfect but the other side of the coin is music gets boring the more it is closer to perfect sound imo: each time you edit a part the less live it is...

Ratm 'RATM' is killer sounding while still having some life into it ( no edit at the time, it sound played by real humans). In fact i think past 2000 most albums in the style start to all sound the same because of editing and search for perfection. The same goes with the use of amp modeler, triggering, autotune,...

Maybe this is because i'm old -sorry i meant Vintage?
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I agree this is a great album and for 1993 it still sound good and not too old.
I discovered some years later that having multiple TT spin around kind of focused my mind when i was djing D&B but this is another whole story. ;)
Let's focus on headbanging and moshpit rather than dancing in the woods facing giant soundsystems.
opinie o Pattern Trader
Another classic ( 1994) still sounding great:

I love this band!

I must also mention the Sepultura band, which suits me very well in terms of climate and message.

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