New vendor - Siliconray

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Please welcome our latest vendor Mike and his forum on diyAudio - Siliconray.

Siliconray's own website can be found here: SiliconRay Online Electronic Store

Siliconray is an online store that sells all kind of electronic components, kits, boards, tools and instruments. Their customers range from professional electronics engineers to hobbyists, students and amateurs. It's their goal to make electronics projects easier and more cost effective for everyone.

They have a wide range of products related to audio applications and provide all kinds of transistors, mosfets, capacitors, tubes, boards, modules, audio amplifiers and custom made parts. Additionally, Siliconray guarantees competitive prices and good service for their customers.

Please welcome Mike and his business into the diyAudio community!
opps...Our fault. Thanks for let me know. Store managers must forgot to convert the currency. There're too many products to be listed, mistakes are hard to avoid, sorry. I'll ask the guys in the company to check all products carefully.
Once a customer bought 1000pcs of NXP's BFR106 microwave transistor, the listed price is only $0.04 (since it's duplicated from another cheap transistor 2N3904). We shipped all what he ordered without a words because it's our mistake.

If you find any mistakes please let me know, we'll modify it as soon as possible.
Haha thanks don't worry I'm fine! ;)
Really I was wondering what currency, as some things are quite cheap and that one ... less, and the website does not specify it...

Since you're going to potentially attract international buyers, better make it clear that these are US$ somewhere on your site (as I suppose it is, and not AU$, CAN$, etc..)
Great store with an interesting collection of parts ! I have another question about the
2SK170/2SJ74 matched pair - this is 2SK170 matched to 2SJ74 correct ? Do you have
plans to offer matched 2SK170/2SK170 and 2SJ74/2SJ74 or even matched quads (2x2SJ74 + 2x2SK170) ? And in which Idss grades they are available (GR, BL, V) ?
Hi George, thanks for the reply. Now we only have matched pair 2SK170 and 2SJ74. But as I often said in the meeting of our company, if a customer is looking for something, we should have it. You are the second asking about the availability of quads so we should have it. I'm not so familiar with these JFET so don't know what Idss grade they are available. I'll discuss with my engineer team about this next week, pls be patient.
Just want to let you know (info for your mailserver administrator): I just wanted to register on your site, but our mailserver rejected the confirmation mail with this reason (from the maillog):
2011-10-14 17:17:30 ( [] F=<> rejected RCPT <>: rejected because is in a black list at
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