Plasma speaker project

Hello everybody,

I've a company creation project, to produce an high end plasma speaker, not talking of those" arcs" or "sparks" toys on youtube...
but something with good distortion and sound levels specs.
I own plasma speakers, and I have work for years on cold and hot plasmas.

I'm interested in what you would really like...
Any requirements, features, design ideas are welcome (Wich sound input you would like etc...)

Technicals specifications :
(a full range is a dream but not achievable due to excessive power consumption)
Low cutoff frequency :

Price :
Wich price would you accept to buy a pair ?

Thanks for your comments.

About a year ago I had a chance to hear Plasma tweeters. Plus: unbelievable delicacy and clarity. Negative: it took the speaker about forty five minutes to warm up to sound good. The also owner informed that the manufacturer normally doesn't sell to the public due to safety concerns and the pair cost at that time about fifteen thousand US dollars. I also understand that there may be some health issues due to the radiation these speakers emit.
Hi Egindin,
Thanks for your post.
About a year ago I had a chance to hear Plasma tweeters. Plus: unbelievable delicacy and clarity. Negative: it took the speaker about forty five minutes to warm up to sound good.
The warm up is about 2 minutes on mine.

About the price is it the complete loudspeaker or just the plasma speaker ?
I would be really interested to have some info on this project.
Hi Marco !
Thanks for your message, it is really important to have feedback and comments to work on a project
I'm still working on it
I've just receive a batch of very nice machined parts that I will test on next days.
Maybe I could create a Youtube channel for the project...
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Hot plasmas are limited to the reproduction of high frequencies, whereas cold plasmas have no such limitation and can reproduce the entire audio range!
Hot plasmas present a particularly annoying problem: the heat they generate!

The main shortcomings of both are that they generate ozone and require high voltages!
Hi Marco !
Thanks for your message, it is really important to have feedback and comments to work on a project
I'm still working on it
I've just receive a batch of very nice machined parts that I will test on next days.
Maybe I could create a Youtube channel for the project...
Pa, any updates, maybe even a YouTube channel for the non-patiently thread lurker?
I am really curious if you have tried some things that might work, what that might mean for a future product (size, bandwidth, those kind of things of course) and what doesn't work.

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Yes, yes and yes 😉
Yes the project is still active, yes it works as a good tweeter and yes I will try a youtube channel to show the project.
The challenging question is how many people are interested in audiophile products in a market where low-fi products are best sellers. And how to live with it. Today a commercial product and even open source needs audience...
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Hot plasmas are limited to the reproduction of high frequencies
Dc plasmas are hot and can go low...

Hot plasmas present a particularly annoying problem: the heat they generate!
If you mean calories in a room
Hot or cold plasma, class A amplifier or washing machine same problem, one question : How many Watts ?

The main shortcomings of both are that they generate ozone and require high voltages!
Sorry but wrong, I repeat it once again in this thread.. no hot plasmas are not generating ozone or in small amounts and only in a short starting phase.
Well some thoughts...
a. You are right. Very tough market, that is shrinking. On the other hand if this product has some of the below, I believe it could succeed but you understand you should not expect at first high volumes. Also good marketing (even if the product is not good :) ) really helps...
b. Consumption. If it really goes below 100W shouldn't be a problem. My Class As when in "high" wattage setting consume more than 350W each and start feeling it only when ambient goes above 25 Celcium. Practically living in Greece, I can operate even till May without air conditioning. However, you need to see how you will remove this 100W from speaker. You need to provide some way, external or not.
c. Price: depends on what it better from. Will it be better from good AMTs? From diamonds? I would pay 2-3k for a pair, if it can beats my Satoris (600 now for both) and RAALs for my DIY speakers.
d. Freq response: Can you give us a really flat from 2k to 15k? Not many units can do, despite the marketing.
e. Sensitivity: should be above 89db, as long as you will be flat. Ideally I would want 91-92db. If they are flat any designer could use them without complicating Xover.

"Also good marketing (even if the product is not good :) ) really helps..."
Oooh sooo true! Especially in this case, where not much is speaking in their favour.
Honestly, You can build a almost SOTA ESL-Tweeter from a couple of dollars material.
You are not binded to a certain shape, size, bandwidth, distribution character, and the typical performance specs are overall better than a plasma could possibly perform.
Is there just one major audio parameter where a plasma could be truely superior to an ESL or just a decent dynamic tweeter? I don´t think so!
In fact it not even excels in diaphragm mass (ESLs diaphragm mass also doesn´t play any rule in audio related formulas within the audible range if membrane thicknes is low enough, i.e below 5-6µm)
Not yet to speak from ´motor linearity´, matchability to the rest of the audio spectrum or the requirement of a specialized amplifier, hence a dedicated power connection.
Plasma is interesting from a technical view ... it has that in common with a steam railway and other things ... like at the same a low practical useage, the requirement of steady maintenance and a high pricetag.
Somehow plasma tweeter remind me of a Gegory comic: "The two things that really drew me into Vinyl were the expense and the inconvenience!"
But then, there might possibly evolve an interest in a DIY plasma treater (no pun intended) for film treatment ... to achieve a better and long-lasting bond between ESL diphragm and it´s coating. ;)

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A plasma tweeter is simply too difficult to implement for the amount of benefit you get which would exceed that gotten using some other much more straightforward approach. That's especially true if the tweeter requires a special gas, such as helium, which is scarce and very expensive.
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