Search Improved

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Joined 2000
Paid Member
The minimum word search size has been reduced from 4 characters to 2 characters. Let's celebrate!

Use the words AND, OR and NOT to marry search terms in your searches.

This is the first step in providing you with a much improved search experience on diyAudio. There are a number of options we're exploring for the future. One of the more interesting (that would claim to give us a very much Google like search ability) is still in development, so we'll sit tight for now and see how those options pan out.

Until then, please feel free to give feedback on how the search works for you and any hints or tips you have for others on using it in this thread, and report any bugs in the bugs thread.
Joined 2000
Paid Member
Thanks Jim :) Unfortunately there's still plenty of people waiting on me for plenty of things, but the good news is we're getting through them. I think we're half way to really launching this thing - at the moment there is a lot of effort going into building the foundations for the future but it'll be a solid ship for us to hit the high seas with. I really appreciate you taking the time to touch base and connect, thanks.
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