The American myth, land of the free and so on

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diyAudio Retiree
Joined 2002

"The picture was named B&B."

That reminds me...... I haven't had lunch with that cutie lately!

Enclosed is a picture of a statue next to the restaurant where the picture was taken for you sophisticated Europeans that think will have no culture in Dallas Texas (or the Vienna of the South as we Culturati refer to it). Honest it really is, and yes that is water running out of his mouth.


I should have claimed the Brando picture. it is much less scary..... Last Tango was one the most depressing movies ever made and I have never been able to look at a stick of butter without shuddering since seeing it many years ago.


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diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


Enclosed is a picture of a statue next to the restaurant where the picture was taken for you sophisticated Europeans that think will have no culture in Dallas Texas

The day anything "cultural" may come out of the US it'll probably be from the black community...

From a European point of view nothing ever remotely "cultural" ever came from the US...

Lest you call capitalism a culture?

Hmmm..maybe a culture of garbage? A culture nonetheless.;)
Europes Carnival Mirror

It seems that Europe has for years been looking across the pond at the US and been alarmed, appalled, and disgusted. No wonder, as they gaze at the US they see them selves, grotesquely distorted, but very much still themselves.

Don’t like US political hegemony, well guess were it came from... both our faults and the best of our ideals.

Were not all that different, none of us however seem to like to admit it.
from the european standpoint i agree.

what a pitty, the european standpoint is worthless these days.

but you now how things go today: they name it culture, and so it is culture... its the same with presidents, WMDs, freedom, law, justice.

Aldous Huxley did forsee all this.
You mean this is a good opportunity to say it, because it will last not long until the thread goes to texas?

If you want to know you MUST divide in what we think about the citizens, the politicians, and the amerikan myth. land of the free and so on.

I suspect we think the same about your goverment as the most intelligent americans do.
The humorously challenged

I am about to give up on satire. If a picture of a drooling pig statue and the phrase "Vienna of the South" was taken seriously by anyone else (although I can't image who). IT WAS A JOKE!!! I can assure you that we do not refer to Dallas as the Vienna of the South.........

I don't remember capitalism being an American invention and I am real sure socialism wasn't. I won't even dignify the claim the nothing cultural came from to United States as it must have been humor on your part. A lot of our culture was imported be people fleeing Europe, Russia and any other number of culturally and socially enlightened countries....... I just don't understand how that could happen though. I'll bet I have as many ethnic minorities within a two mile radius of where I live than the whole country of Belgium. Moslem women walk down the street alone in my neighborhood without fear as I can tell since I often see them. I have friends that fled Vietnam, Cambodia, and even England. I ate in my favorite restaurant owned by a couple that are Dutch and English. The women who rang up my purchase at the grocery store is Albanian. The Optometrist store that fixed my glasses is run be a Russian couple. I have heard Hebrew, Chinese, and Spanish being spoken at my doctors office waiting room. I worked for a company owned by the French and would go back given the opportunity. I am not complaining about this because I think it is great. My Grandparents on my fathers side were German and I'll bet I have read as much Hesse, Mann, and Nabakov as any of your European acquaintances. I just don't understand how this could happen in a country so dominated by cultural imperialism. Can someone explain it to me?

The US is far from perfect and we spend as much time in self analysis and criticism of our own culture as any country. We have the right to, as we live here. When is the last time you saw me criticizing Belgium? This constant anti-Americanism would be annoying if it actually came from anybody who knew enough about the US to have any credibility. I guess the American culture of humor hasn't made it to Europe where it could definitely do some good, in what appears to be a very humor deprived region of the world.
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002

HaHaHa, that’s good guys. But really, tell us, what does the average European really think of the US?

This is not your average European response is quite clearly: nothing good ever came from America.

In other words Americans: take your platitudes home where they belong, we want to be able to develop our own culture, yours is so low class it's not even worthy of the nomen "culture".

Anything America or it's "culture" has ever done is degrade whatever Europe had.
That so called American Culture has no, I repeat no value at all.

The only thing they want you to do is to infinitum.


I am about to give up on satire. If a picture of a drooling pig statue and the phrase "Vienna of the South" was taken seriously by anyone else (although I can't image who). IT WAS A JOKE!!! I can assure you that we do not refer to Dallas as the Vienna of the South.........

sorry fred, i never was in dallas. and in the momentary climate i prefer to avoid going into usa... as far as i know texas is a big pile dry soil/dust.
I have friends that fled Vietnam, Cambodia, and even England. I ate in my favorite restaurant owned by a couple that are Dutch and English. The women who rang up my purchase at the grocery store is Albanian. The Optometrist store that fixed my glasses is run be a Russian couple. I have heard Hebrew, Chinese, and Spanish being spoken at my doctors office waiting room. I worked for a company owned by the French and would go back given the opportunity. I am not complaining about this because I think it is great. My Grandparents on my fathers side were German and I'll bet I have read as much Hesse, Mann, and Nabakov as any of your European

this is an example of the bright side of us-amerika, and i envy it. Should i say i envy you?


this a example of the dark side:

another one is most americans seems to take no notice of stuff like that.

Don´t take this critic on usa as the statement "its better here". no. i don´t say it is better in germany. but i´m something like dissapointed because it breaks my dream of amerika.
Well, we just had a '77 Weinert Malbec "Estrela" from Mendoza that was extraordinary. Shared it with my favorite chef and sommelier in France. It happened to be the birth year for the chef's wife, which gave me the side benefit of getting well-kissed. I do love France!

Hey, I hear they make wine in Germany. Is that true?;)
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