Thread notifier suddenly stopped... no emails

Thanks! This is better, since I did get a few notifications.

Maybe it is my fault? Question:
Could Adblock Plus, Ghostery or DNT+ tracker/ad blockers be causing notification failure? I run all three simultaneously. That would almost certainly be a problem if the notification counter was reliant on tracker. If so, which trackers are the good ones that I need? Google analytics? Google custom search engine? Openx?
Joined 2000
Paid Member
The email is sent from server side code, so no, the problem has nothing to do with front end AJAX or anything fancy like that. Much more likely your ISP putting emails in your spam folder or rejecting them outright. We may move to Amazon SES in the near future which will help with whitelisting, but might prove too costly for regular emails.
Joined 2000
Paid Member
No notification emails received for new posts in subscribed threads......last 20 hours. This problem reoccurs about every 3 months for me and tends to last for about a week.

Imac 2014
Safari 8.0.3

No known problems with other sites.

Sometimes we get banned by email hosts, particularly Yahoo. Are you using Yahoo? vBulletin is one of the biggest spammers on the web - there is no way for a bounced message to tell vBulletin that the account is dead, so vBulletin keeps on sending them emails, which in turn causes the email host to declare the sender a spammer. We'll be upgrading the software soon and stepping over this rather annoying problem altogether.
Emails notifications started slowing down A couple days ago and now have completely stopped.

Same problem here...

A lot of my 'Subscribed' threads are inactive now, but there are new postings in:
Boyuu EL34 A9 Tube Amp

and I haven't gotten email notifications for a few days now.

Nothing in my Spam inbox, either - generally my diyaudio emails come in smoothly.