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FE126En Factory Reflex, a "cruel joke"

Posted 8th February 2013 at 09:14 PM by planet10

The subject of this box has come up before, after a 3rd reply to queries, this blog post,

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One of 2 Fostex factory recommended cabinets. 10.5 litre tuned to 61 Hz. The other is not very good either.

From the sims you can see that with this box any bass response you have will be way down which will exaggerate the FE126's forward midrange and the 7k peak.

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The top curve is half-space (ie what you would get if you mounted them flush in a wall or approximately what you would get with BSC added). The lower curve is with no filters and a simulated 6 dB of baffle loss. You would need a 2-stage filter to give any semblance of flat response. You would lose some 12 dB of sensitivity and then you run into the very low xMax which means that for...
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FALL Listening Space

Posted 3rd January 2011 at 06:53 AM by planet10

How many posts, describing the sound of something, have the caveat, "...in my room"?

My listening space/room is a subset of the upper floor of my house. All the volume of this space is fairly open and interconnected acoustically.

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The space is nominally 24'x36' (houses in Canada are still built in imperial units) surrounded by deck on 3 sides. The peak of the roof is at 2/3 and rises 17' at the highest. It slopes down over 24' to ~6.5' over the main room. An 8' x 12' section is divided off for kitchen with the bedroom above.

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The rest of the space is 12'x24', raised 42" above the main floor and has a roof (mostly) that vaults from 8' to the same peak (just over 12'). The main space & this space are connected by 2 -- 3.5x7' openings and 5 -- 16"x2.5'...
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26-sep-09 Floyd Toole speaks

Posted 26th September 2009 at 04:30 PM by planet10

Thursday i took the ferry over to Canada to attend a lecture by Floyd Toole at an AES presentation.

The lecture covered off a summary of the contents of his book. It probably was more enlightening for those that haven't read the book, but i was able to get a few details added.

He also signed my book, and really liked my title - Frugal-phile(tm) -- he said we need more of them

I have added this to my absolutely required audio reading list along with Leviton's "This is your brain on music" Very complentary books.

Floyd's book summarizes the 40 years of work he has done on loudspeakers & rooms.

The 3 most interesting things in the book are
1/ under well controlled & designed blind listening tests there is a very high level of consistency in what listeners consider best sounding
2/ a FR metric has been developed which has a high correlation with what people prefer. Unfortunately this...
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04-sep-09 µFonkens arrive in UK

Posted 5th September 2009 at 03:39 AM by planet10

We work closely with Scott Lindgren in the UK. To help facilitate communation, we sent him a set of uFonken with FF85KeN so that we would have a common reference. He got them earlier today and had these initial impressions:

Speaking of small speakers, got the uFonken's etc. about 1.30pm & been throwing different albums at them ever since. They haven't batted an eyelid. Christopher Lee reading Dracula on an audiobook? Check. June Tabor? Check. Yo Yo Ma? Check. Loreena McKennitt? Check. Frankie Goes to Hollywood? Check. Mike Oldfield? Check. This is actually bloody annoying. They've no business to work this well. I figured I'd catch them out just before I started typing this by introducing them to PJ Harvey's albums To Bring You My Love & Is This Desire? (officially the eeriest / most disturbing records ever made). Bugger. They haven't keeled over. (Highly recommended albums BTW.) OK, compressed on some of the synth bass (everything short of multiple 15in HE woofers
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Posted 25th August 2009 at 05:52 AM by planet10

This Weekend is the 6th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST which we host so i am busy getting ready for that. It will be the official roll-out of some designs for the new Planet10-HiFi EL70eN, a new paper cone driver from Mark Audio that has factory support. Also sold without our special touches as an EL70 by Bob at Creative Sound (Mark & Bob have their own new forums as well).

Prepping for this is a lot of work, but we get further along each year... sort of like an annual spring cleaning. Thanx to Jeff, Chris, Gregg the Geek, Jesse, Daniel, and Tysen for the help. Of course it wouldn't have been possible without Ruth taking care of the feeding and more.

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This year we added a small listening room in the back of the lab which will allow more demonstration versatility all year round.

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