Chassis Discussion

Someone else might have a more clever solution, but I think you'll need to use a mill or a drill press with a flat mill bit, like a forstner bit used in woodworking.
Either way, you'll need to securely clamp down the plate and set the depth, working slowly and checking depth as you go.

Thanks much, that would solve my problem with style.

It's the first I've heard of forstner bits, so I learned something new today. Cool.
Hi There!

Wondering if the specified height of the 2U chassis is the internal height, or full height of the amp? If the latter, what is the available internal height?



Available internal height on my compact 2U chassis with quasi-heatsinks is precisely 80mm. I made a similar request to specify internal and external dimensions in the Store product descriptions.

Wrong information in cart?

Hi Jason,

The origianl tread is closed and no answer since december 22. According to the store 2 cabinets are still available so I must receive a kwick answer.

Text of last message :

According to your message the information on the basket page is not correct and this was the purpose of my post. I tried to chat twice during the last days but nobody was on line so I opted to make an entry in the thread.

I'm attaching a picture of the wrong information. Before ordering I want to be shure of the shipper. If it's UPS I will take the hard way (more time consuming I should say) and make the cabinet myself because the cost will be prohibitive (shipping plus brokeage fees).

Thank you for your help and have a nice Holidays.

Hi Jason,

The origianl tread is closed and no answer since december 22. According to the store 2 cabinets are still available so I must receive a kwick answer.

Text of last message :

According to your message the information on the basket page is not correct and this was the purpose of my post. I tried to chat twice during the last days but nobody was on line so I opted to make an entry in the thread.

I'm attaching a picture of the wrong information. Before ordering I want to be shure of the shipper. If it's UPS I will take the hard way (more time consuming I should say) and make the cabinet myself because the cost will be prohibitive (shipping plus brokeage fees).

Thank you for your help and have a nice Holidays.



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It's not a typo. UPS is UPS, USPS is United States Postal Service.

Please read this thread for various information tid bits about UPS versus USPS. For Canada, UPS will hurt you with customs. USPS will cost you more in terms of postage. Which will end up cheaper overall? Nobody is really sure, we can only suggest you pick the shipper that you feel most comfortable with. Regardless of whether you ship with UPS or USPS, please post the results here of how much you ended having to pay in terms of customs and duties so we can all know :)
What if I don't need an extremely thick aluminum front panel?

That 4u with heatsinks enclosure looks great except for the extra expense for an aluminum front panel so thick that I can't mount all of the dials, indicators, and switches I'd like to use.

I'd sure like to see an economy 4u with heatsinks and not-overly-thick front panel, and a 3/4 width 3u with heatsinks and not-overly-thick front panel.

Basically, a couple of cheaper options, with heatsinks, good function and still decorous. You know, something with significant heatsinks and less than $150. How close can you get to those specs?
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What if I don't need an extremely thick aluminum front panel?

That 4u with heatsinks enclosure looks great except for the extra expense for an aluminum front panel so thick that I can't mount all of the dials, indicators, and switches I'd like to use.

I'd sure like to see an economy 4u with heatsinks and not-overly-thick front panel, and a 3/4 width 3u with heatsinks and not-overly-thick front panel.

Basically, a couple of cheaper options, with heatsinks, good function and still decorous. You know, something with significant heatsinks and less than $150. How close can you get to those specs?

Thanks for the feedback. We will definitely consider some "absolute maximum bang for your buck" cheaper options with thinner front panels and a lot of internal space in the future. Your request is noted :)

I' m interested in the deluxe 4 U chassis but I see it is out of stock now.
When will it be available? Will I be able to get one with a black face plate?

Me too. When will the out of stock deluxe 4 U be back?

I'm very sorry that we have sold out of almost everything, and we have learned a lot from the first batch.

I am actually in Bologna, Italy with Hifi2000 right now. We are putting together a new order over the next few days and evaluating various options for getting new stock into the USA as soon as possible. When it's been decided how this will happen and I know the lead times I will post here with all the lead times and also very likely offer a way to pre-order and get some smaller quantities of less popular configurations out to you.

I'll also post some pictures - it's snowing here :)
Thanks for the feedback. We will definitely consider some "absolute maximum bang for your buck" cheaper options with thinner front panels and a lot of internal space in the future. Your request is noted :)

I managed to carve out space (XY vise & drill press with a milling bit) in the front panel of a 2U Quasi Heatsink chassis for controls. A front panel with thick edges and thin center would be ideal, however, since one would get rigidity from the thicker material at the periphery while having ease of mounting where controls would be.
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I managed to carve out space (XY vise & drill press with a milling bit) in the front panel of a 2U Quasi Heatsink chassis for controls. A front panel with thick edges and thin center would be ideal, however, since one would get rigidity from the thicker material at the periphery while having ease of mounting where controls would be.

That's a good idea, but a lot of machining and wasted aluminum! We have a plan for solving the problem of attaching controls as in the near future, as well as a more grandiose plan for full customization in the far future - stay tuned!

Is HiFi-2000 permitted to sell UMS tapped heat-sinks directly to EU clients?

Yes they are, and they'll give us a commission for that. If you're in the EU go right ahead and contact Hifi2000 directly. In the diyAudio store click the EU location radio button when ordering (or rather, trying to order) and it will tell you the exact SKU you can ask Hifi2000 to supply you with.
Joined 2009
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Yes they are, and they'll give us a commission for that. If you're in the EU go right ahead and contact Hifi2000 directly. In the diyAudio store click the EU location radio button when ordering (or rather, trying to order) and it will tell you the exact SKU you can ask Hifi2000 to supply you with.

Nice but:
1) There is no way (that I am aware of) to get to the EU radio button when the item is "out of stock" as the "see details" button is not active:confused:
2) a SKU for the sinks alone would also be very nice:)
Joined 2000
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Nice but:
1) There is no way (that I am aware of) to get to the EU radio button when the item is "out of stock" as the "see details" button is not active:confused:
2) a SKU for the sinks alone would also be very nice:)

1) Oops!
2) There is no SKU for heatsinks alone with the UMS pattern drilled in to them. So... I'd suggest writing to Hifi2000 directly and just asking them to hook you up - I'm sure they will however depending on whether they have overstock from previous production runs, to get those 50 or so M3 holes drilled will cost, from memory, several euro per tapped hole at their regular rates, so the cost may be more than just buying a deluxe chassis complete. We get a huge discount for getting it done in bulk (which makes the whole concept as affordable as it is).