2x4 in Box with 24/96 or 24/196

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I love miniDSP. I am currently using it in a tape loop for DRC. I know many people own good analog preamps and may not want to replace them but would like to try room correction for their analog sources. At the moment the only option is to either replace it with expensive DRC preamps like Tact, DEQX etc. or go with pro-devices like Behringer, dbx etc.

MiniDSP is a perfect solution and the only criticism as the moment is the resolution. I don't know if it makes a difference or not but will definately make a case for them to jump on the band wagon.

Is anything in the works?
That's great news, but 2x4 is a great form factor for room correction and sub integration for the masses. 2x8 is a perfect platform for running complete active setup. I want miniDSP to be successful and more main stream so the prices stay low for us enthusiasts :)

I've found the current 2x4 to be perfectly suited to my completely active setup. I do use 3 miniDSPs for this where it would take two of the 2x8s but its still cheaper to have 3 2x4s. The sampling rate makes no audible difference for me.
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