A new OPA891

Have you seen the new OPA891 chip?
These features are amazing.
It is not yet available from Mouser or digikey.
The data sheet is from November 2023.
This is a new candidate for our next projects.
Have a nice day


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It's capacitive load drive might dictate it's capabilities as a DAC I/V too.

The 1611 is the gold standard because of its decent output drive and the ability not to fall to bits, with gross distortion, with the typical feedback cap in parallel with the resistor.

The flagship modern DACs are crying out for an opamp that can drive more current but it counts for naught if the distortion is awful because of capacitive load. Not to mention if it's unstable.

It's also double the quiescent of the 1611 and has the knee in its voltage noise much higher in frequency. If you don't need the output current the 1611 seems like a better choice still as they will both have negligible distortion.
Input bias current on the high side due to the bipolar LTP. I like the ~80db loop gain at 20KHz. You need to be very careful with the layout and make sure you have >200MHz scope handy when you test to check for oscillation.
Sound? The specs say they sound like they are not even there.